1ª Exposição do Fila Brasileiro CAFIB em Linhares (English)
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Linhares is a city in the north of Espírito Santo and its history begins with the founding of a settlement in 1800, which was soon destroyed by the Botocudo Indians. They were known for their fierce resistance to the encroachment of white settlers who, over time, would end up completely wiping them out. Some years later, the settlement was rebuilt in the same location, on the riverbanks known as Rio Doce. The goal was to oversee the gold trade, around a square that still retains its original square shape, where the indigenous people once danced and sang. Its name honors Dom Rodrigo de Souza Coutinho, the Count of Linhares, and in 1833, the settlement was elevated to the status of a village.
Nicknamed the "city of waters" for containing 84% of the total freshwater in Espírito Santo, Linhares is the city with the largest territorial and coastal extension in the state, and it is home to 90 lagoons, a record number in Latin America. Lagoa Juparanã and Lagoa das Palmas are among them, respectively, the largest and deepest in Brazil. Its numerous rivers cross natural sanctuaries, preserved forests, and one of the largest remnants of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, encompassing the Goytacazes National Forest, the Comboios Biological Reserve, the Sooretama Biological Reserve, and the Vale Natural Reserve, the largest private area of its kind in the country. In these places, monkeys, tapirs, anteaters, and many birds can be easily spotted living in total freedom, as well as waterfalls surrounded by bromeliads and orchids.
Linhares has more than 100 km of coastline and the waters of the Rio Doce flow into the Atlantic Ocean. A unit of the TAMAR Project was established in the village of Regência, as it is a nesting site for sea turtles, especially the giant species. At Barra Seca Beach, the highlight is the practice of naturism.
In this region, in 1887, a fisherman known as Caboclo Bernardo was responsible for saving about 130 shipwreck survivors from the ship Imperial Marinheiro and was recognized as a hero, being honored by Princess Isabel. His memory is celebrated to this day by various regional Congo bands, during the "Caboclo Bernardo Festival", in the first week of June.
As a curiosity, the Tupi Indians of the region where the city of Vitória is located referred to their corn and manioc crops as "kopi'xawa". Then, the settlers began to call them "capixabas", a title that ended up being extended to all natives of the state (also called Espírito-Santenses).
Continuing with our CAFIB 2024 Calendar, which began in Formiga (MG) on May 5, a show judged by Mariana Campbell and Elizabete Sayuri Hino, this same pair of judges, on June 23, judged the 1st Phenotype and Temperament Analysis and the 1st CAFIB Fila Brasileiro Exhibition in Linhares (ES). Mariana judged the females and Bete, the males. The event was held at Sítio Duas Anas, owned by the couple Paulo Serra (veterinarian) and Luciana Durão, a place that also shelters a riding school, a small zoo, and a living and physiotherapy rehabilitation center.
Seven dogs were analyzed, all of them approved. The Exhibition, which featured 40 specimens, had as its main awards the people born in Minas Gerais:
BEST MALE: Escobar Recanto do Livramento, by Leonardo Monteiro (Cordisburgo, MG)
BEST FEMALE: Orquídea Jardim da Lapa, by Marcos Abrão Borges de Melo (Governador Valadares, MG)
BEST HEAD: Baruk IV da Santa Luzia, by William Dutra Reis (Governador Valadares, MG)
BEST TEMPERAMENT: Trovão Jardim da Lapa, by Marcos Abrão Borges de Melo (Governador Valadares, MG)
They were present breeders, exhibitors, participants, and enthusiasts from Espirito Santo from the cities of Colatina, Linhares, Rio Bananal, Vila Velha, and Vitória; from Goiás, they came from Aparecida de Goiânia and Goiânia; Minas Gerais, from Belo Horizonte, Conselheiro Pena, Cordisburgo, Governador Valadares, Ipatinga, Manhumirim, and Muriaé; from São Paulo, they came from Guarulhos and São Paulo capital; and we also had an American participation from the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The show organizer was Fernando Durão Duarte Vilela, owner of the FD Recanto das Palmeiras kennel. His sister, Priscila Durão Duarte Vilela, was the photographer. We also thank his mother, Maria da Penha Durão de Almeida, the secretary Déborah Azevedo Andrade, the track assistant Cláudio Rufino, the baiter Haroldo Audrey Rhodson Alves Santos Mosqueira, and the sponsors:
Prefeitura Municipal de Linhares,
Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer (secretary Fabiano Eller),
GB Agropet (Gil Duarte Vilela Jr.),
Rações FVO,
Líder Embryo – Technical Assistance and Animal Reproduction,
RA Pessotti – Munck Rentals,
Açougue Primor,
São Brás – Construction Materials,
Fox Atakama Kennel – Brazilian Terrier.
Another curiosity about our event is that, according to its organizer, Fernando Durão Duarte Vilela, this was the first CAFIB dog show judged by women, in Espírito Santo, since 1978.
Our next show will be the 117th CAFIB National Fila Brasileiro Exhibition and the 36th CAFIB Fila Brasileiro Exhibition in Guaratinguetá, scheduled for August 4, 2024, at the traditional Recinto de Exposições Manoel Soares de Azevedo. The judges will be Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono and Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes.
Translation made by Ana Luiza Berenger.