1ª Exposição Uruguai - English
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CAFIB’s Second Phenotype and Temperament Analysis in Uruguay
CAFIB, the most traditional and longest-lived club specialized in breed Fila Brasileiro, ended with a gold key its international agenda for 2017 on November 25, at an event in Chacra Lacrosse located in Departamiento de Canelones, in the East Republic of Uruguay. This important and historic city was founded in 1783, with the original name of “Villa de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe” e came to be the capital of the East Province. Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, headquarters of the Diocese of Canelones, was built in 1843 and the voices of its choir were accompanied by an organ, today restored, which was installed in 1900. Last year, also in November, on the same farmstead, we had started our performance in Uruguay with the performance of the First Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, to which 49 specimens attended. This old country estate that hosted the show, close to the capital, Montevideo, was initially intended for the breeding and training of polo horses and a few years ago, was transformed into a center for business events and celebrations, especially weddings. It belongs to Raúl Jude Gurmendes, a great enthusiast of the Fila Brasileiro, who resides in the almost century-old house built by his grandfather.
Raul - who started his Fila breeding in the 1980’s, with specimens of the kennels affiliated to CAFIB, such as kennels Parque do Castelo, owned by architect Airton Campbell (São Paulo, SP) and Ibituruna, owned by radiologist Dr. Paulo Angotti (Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais) -, was a great admirer of the “breed’s father”, attorney Paulo Santos Cruz (1915-1990) and even traveled to Brazil to meet him personally and closely follow our Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament.
The Analysis promoted in 2016, by a member of CAFIB, Uruguayan Daniel Balsas (Canil Piedras de Afilar), had already been the biggest one ever held by our club outside the Brazilian territory, with the presence of 49 dogs. Daniel, whose passion for the breed Fila Brasileiro and CAFIB is awesome, again showed extraordinary work and dedication. He managed to repeat the huge success of last year, with 21 more Filas analyzed that year –having all been approved - and broke new record by also performing the largest Exhibition of CAFIB Filas outside Brazil, since its Foundation in 1978, with 43 specimens on the judgment track, It is worth noting that, more surprising than this large number of registration, is the high quality of the Uruguayan breeding stock, very typical and homogeneous, with an amazing 100% approval rate among dogs analyzed in 2017. There were registrations on all 10 classes judged: Incentive Puppies, Puppies, New, Young and Adults (Males and Females). In the Adult class - very important because it evaluates specimens with at least two years of age, that is, fully formed in structure and temperament and, therefore, ready for reproduction -, this Exhibition accounted for the remarkable turnout of 10 Males and 10 Females.
In the balance of the two Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament made in Uruguay, by six judges from CAFIB (Airton Campbell, Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr., Fabiano Nunes, Giovani Éder de Carvalho, Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono and Luciano de Almeida Gavião), 70 Filas were registered, photographed and carefully evaluated - in phenotype, structure, mobility, typicality, temperament and nervous system, of which only five were rejected, registering the very high average of 92.86% of approvals. It is also worth noting that these few rejected dogs showed disqualifying reaction in tests of temperament and nervous system, i.e. there was rejection due to atypicality, another unprecedented datum in all the Analyses conducted by CAFIB in so many countries of the world.
At this Exhibition, it is important to highlight the cooperation provided by Daniel, friends and breeders, such as Diego Aguirre, André Calcaneo and the owner of the farmstead, Raul Jude Gurmendes, besides the whole family Balsas: his wife Jimena and his children Matias, Agustina and Santiago, who spared no efforts to render invaluable support in reception, hospitality and logistics of transportation between airport, Chacra Lacrosse, restaurants and sightseeing around Montevideo. This year, Jimena also was responsible for important veterinarian aid and judge Mariana Campbell (São Paulo, SP) in secretarial work. Mariana was also responsible for the photos of dogs for the Exhibition, along with the professional photographer Lina Maltseva, hired by Daniel, while photos of the Analysis were made by Giovani (Aparecida, SP). Besides him, judges Airton (São Paulo, SP), Jonas and Fabiano (Guaratinguetá, SP), also worked on the the Analysis. At the Exhibition, Airton judged males and Fabiano, females. During the event, the organizers provided, as a courtesy, a tent that offered, free of charge, various grilled meats, bread, soft drinks and water to the exhibitors and the entire audience. The sponsorship was in charge of the company Rações Special Dog, which delivered bags of its products to the winners of each class.
Uruguay Filas, present at the event, came from Departamiento of Canelones, including Ciudad de La Costa, its neighborhood El Pinar and its resorts Costa de Oro and Neptunia, in addition to the city of Trinidad, capital of Departamiento de Flores. Argentine specimens also attended from Concepción del Uruguay, Gualeguaychú andLuján; and Brazilians, from the Rio Grande do Sul city of Pinheiro Machado.
The award of the main categories of the First Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro in Uruguay was the following:
BEST MALE: Faraon do Borguetto, de Mariano Arbiza (Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina)
BEST FEMALE: Dara da Terra do Thar, de Daniel Balsas (Canelones, Uruguai)
BEST TEMPERAMENT: Arandu Litoral Ñaró, de Zenon Cousilhas (Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina)
BEST HEAD: Videira Piedras de Afilar, de Daniel Ortega (Ciudad de La Costa, Uruguai)
BEST BRINDLE (less than 1 year of age): Pipo (Nenê) Piedras de Afilar, de Mateo Reiris (Canelones, Uruguai)
BEST BRINDLE (over 1 year of age): Zezé Piedras de Afilar, de Daniel Balsas (Canelones, Uruguai)
This event in Canelones closes the CAFIB International Calendar for 2017, with 65 Filas analyzed in six countries: Poland, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Argentina and Uruguay, besides, of course, the traditional Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, followed by Exhibitions, promoted in several States of Brazil. The official closure of the General Calendar 2017 of CAFIB was scheduled for December 3, as usual, in the São Paulo city of Guaratinguetá, in Vale do Paraíba, with the 106th National Exhibition of CAFIB and 32nd Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro de Guaratinguetá.
CAFIB thanks all friends, breeders and enthusiasts of the Fila Brasileiro in Uruguay, especially Daniel Balsas and his family, for the competent and important work conducted in favor of the genetic improvement of the breed in this country.
The complete result of the First Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro in Uruguay, published by our Disclosure Board, can be accessed on the website of CAFIB, www.cafib.org.br.