Análises Europa - English
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Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament in Katarzynki (Poland), Loderburg (Germany, Casteggio (Italy) and Hoeledem (Belgium)
Europe, even facing the tyrannical laws that restrict the breeding, marketing and ownership of some breeds of guard dogs, increasingly surrenders to the fascination inspired by the Fila Brasileiro. On October 29 - alongside architect Airton Campbell -, the breeder, leader, dog enthusiast, founder and president of CAFIBE - Club de Amigos del Fila Brasileiro en España, specialized writer and CAFIB judge Jaime Pérez Marhuenda, from Alicante, Spain, ruled the 105th National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro of CAFIB and 9th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Porto Ferreira, in the State of São Paulo in Brazil. A little earlier, however, the cattle farmer from Minas Gerais, Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira, also a member of the board of referees of CAFIB, had already run a true marathon through Europe to analyze Filas in four countries.
Marcus Flávio, Jerry Trias e Daniel Vanhove
These analyses were organized by Daniel Vanhove, Belgian breeder who had already come several times to Brazil to visit breeders and follow our Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament and, also, our Exhibitions. In these European events, Daniel counted on the assistance of Jaroslav Pors (Jerry Trias), representative of CAFIB in the Czech Republic.
The first of these evaluations occurred on September 27, in Katarzynki, Poland, with the contribution of the Polish breeder Jolanta Mackiewicz and with the attendance of Kamila Pogowska - representative of CAFIB in that country and owner of the Rio Grande Kennel -, which took two Filas, both approved. Of the total of six dogs enrolled for this Analysis, only one was rejected.
On the following day, September 28, the Analysis was held in Loderburg, Germany, where three Filas were analyzed and approved.
On September 30, the city of Casteggio, Italy, hosted the following event, where Marcus Flávio analyzed 10 dogs, having approved nine and rejected one, due to atypicity and lack of adequate reaction in the temperament test. Of the specimens enrolled, five were from Italy itself, two came from the Czech Republic, two from Germany and one from Hungary.
And, finally, in Hoeledem, Belgium, on October 3, two more Filas were analyzed and approved.
This European tour accounted for, therefore, four Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament, in four countries (Poland, Germany, Italy and Belgium), with the participation of 21 dogs (of which only two were rejected), proceeding from six different nations (Poland, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Czech Republic and Hungary). The judge of CAFIB, Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira, who covered 4,128 km in 12 days, considered that “the accomplishment of these Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament was a great success, which projects the selective improvement and the diffusion of the Fila Brasileiro in several countries of the European continent”.