Circular 99ª Expo Nacional Porto Ferreira English
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Another great CAFIB success!!!
Located on the banks of the Moji Guaçu river, and formerly known as João Ferreira Porto, São Paulo’s historic municipality of Porto Ferreira - which was once an important coffee, cotton, orange and sugar cane producer – is nationally admired today for manufacturing porcelain and wood and iron furniture, which earned it the title of “Capital of Decoration and Ceramic Arts”. It was in the centenary railroad station of this city that CAFIB, in its 37th year of uninterrupted activities toward the genetic improvement of the breed, held on June 28, 2015, its 99th National Exposition and 7th Exposition of Porto Ferreira. The Expo – which consisted of the third stage of the Brazilian Championship 2015 – as always, preceded by an Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, was organized by Pedro Carlos Borotti (Porto Ferreira, SP), with the collaboration of Luciano José de Almeida Gavião (Descalvado, São Paulo), both CAFIB judges. Pedro also assisted in the analyses, but Luciano, current President of CAFIB-Brazil, who helped both in organizing and disclosing the event, unfortunately could not attend due to health reasons.
The exhibition relied on the performance of two judges: the male dogs were judged by Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr. (Vargem Grande Paulista, SP), while Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura (Belo Horizonte, MG), judged the female dogs. They were assisted by Giovanni Éder Carvalho (Guaratinguetá, SP) and Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais), both at the stage of preparation to become judges of CAFIB. The secretarial work was under the charge of Cleide Maria Cocito Cardoso dos Santos (Vargem Grande Paulista, SP) and Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono (Guaratinguetá, SP), while the veterinarian in charge was Elisiane Borotti (Porto Ferreira, SP). The agitator that performed the temperament tests was Carlos Augusto Mansur (Monte Mor, SP), known as Carlão – acting in a courageous, homogeneous and fair way toward all competitors - assisted in the last stage by Cláudio Rufino (Pennsylvania - USA) and Elmo Lopes (Belo Horizonte, MG).
The event counted on exhibitors and spectators from Goiás (Goiânia), Minas (Aiuruoca, Belo Horizonte, Itanhandu, Patrocínio) and São Paulo (Aparecida, Caieiras, Cruzeiro, Guaratinguetá, Jacareí, Jarinu, Monte Mor, Porto Ferreira, São Bernardo do Campo, São Carlos, Vargem Grande Paulista), as well as our representative from the United States, Claudio Rufino. The presence of traditional breeders Olegario Bretas Ferreira (Belo Horizonte, MG) and Nelson Fernandes (Cruzeiro, Brazil) is worth highlighting.
In the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament six specimens were presented, of which one failed by the disqualifying reaction in the Temperament Test. And the expo counted on 25 high quality Filas on the track, being the Male Adult class the most disputed one, with 8 dogs enrolled. Some data should be highlighted to confirm the excellence of the animals exhibited. Of the 19 competitors with over one year of age, subject to tests of temperament and nervous system evaluation, seven were selected to compete for the trophy of Best Temperament of the Expo. And, to compete for the Best Head of Exhibition, 14 specimens were selected, a record in these 37 consecutive years of CAFIB expos. It should be reminded that, in order to elect the winners of these two categories, the two judges work together, evaluating competitors who have received qualification of, at least, Very Good in these items (Temper and Head), during the judgment of their categories.
The photos of the analyses were made by Bruna Frias (Aiuruoca, Minas Gerais), the photos of the exhibition by Cintia Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG) and Shirley Nair (Jarinu, Brazil), and the videos by Cintia Junqueira de Barros, Brenda Queiroz (Patrocínio, MG) and Bruna Frias.
The overall result of CAFIB 99th National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro and 7th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Porto Ferreira was the following:
- Best Male: Radar do Itanhandu
- Best Female: Dara da Terra do Thar
- Best Head: Eros do Portal dos 4 Irmãos
- Best Temperament: Kratos do Itanhandu