Circular Expo Brasília 2015 English
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Another great CAFIB success!!!
In Brasilia, the blue-sky and cloudless sunrise foreshadowed that May 17, 2015 would be another dry and sunny day, typical of the Central Plateau.
The scenario of the Federal District is usually associated with bold and imposing modern buildings, bordered by wide avenues, but the Chapel Saint Francis of Assisi – Núcleo Rural Casa Grande in Gama, constitutes a tourist attraction located in one of the most peaceful places in the region, hotly contested by brides, who get in waiting lines of up to two years to be able to perform their wedding there. And Saint Francis of Assisi – one of the most important saints of Christianity, who is often represented with a dove perched on his shoulder and stroking a wolf – due to his great love of nature, became known worldwide as the protector of animals and the environment, as well as patron of ecology.
The beauty and symbolism of this place have made it perfect for the performance of the 3rd Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro in Brasilia, organized by the local representative of CAFIB, breeder Thiago Rodrigues Gonçalves, of the Fila Roots Kennel. With the help of fellow breeder Lucas Santos Fernandes Ferreira, of the Guardiões do Jatobá Kennel, two large white-canvas tests were mounted on the exhibition track, making it more comfortable and enjoyable the work of judges and their aides, as well as the participation of the exhibitors with their dogs.
From 9 o’clock until noon the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament was held, with 11 specimens enrolled, of which 8 were approved and 3 rejected by dismissive reaction in the temperament test, being that one of them showed no aversion (“ojeriza”) to strangers. These dogs were examined by the judge and breeder Airton Campbell, of Parque do Castelo Kennel, in São Paulo capital, accompanied and assisted by fellow breeder Giovani Éder de Carvalho, of the Itapuã Kennel, in Aparecida (SP), who is in the process of studies and preparation aiming at providing examination to become a judge specializing in the Fila Brasileiro breed, of CAFIB’s judges staff. The secretarial work was carried out by judge Jonas Thaddeus Iacovantuono, from the city of Guaratinguetá (SP), in the Paraíba Valley, aided by breeder Brenda Augusta Alves França Queiroz, of Terras do Patrocínio Kennel, in the municipality of Patrocínio (MG). Brenda is also responsible for the photographs of the exhibition. The photographs of the specimens examined were taken by breeder Bruna Frias, of Aiuruoca Kennel, in the Minas Gerais city of Aiuruoca.
Upon completion of the analyses, all were invited by Thiago for lunch and afterwards, the exhibition started.
With presence of breeders, exhibitors and spectators from the Federal District, Goiás, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, and with the participation of 32 specimens on track, the judgment was the responsibility of the São Paulo judge, breeder and veterinarian Mariana Campbell (Parque do Castelo Kennel).
Of the 20 Filas with more than one year of age and, which, therefore, were submitted to the evaluation of temperament and nervous system, 11 (4 females and 7 males) received the Very Good qualification, which enabled them to run for the final test, choosing the Best Temperament of the Exposition. And, as it has occurred with certain frequency, females, despite being the minority, won the first and second places, once again disallowing the traditional designation of "weaker sex".
For the dispute of the Best Head of the Exhibition, 6 specimens were chosen (3 females and 3 males) and, also in this running, the former name "beautiful sex" (from the French beau sexe, referring to the female gender) proved inadequate and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places were awarded to three males.
Breeder Thiago, organizer of the event, promoted, for the second time in a row, an award that has been exclusive of the Brasília Exposition. In the category (unofficial) named by him "Road Fileiros", the trophies are awarded to exhibitors who come from farther away. And Thiago justifies this initiative explaining that, by leaving Brasilia to attend the CAFIB exhibits in other states, he has learned about the work, the difficulties and costs of these trips very well. In this event, the winners were:
1st place: Flávio Pires, of Palmares Kennel (Jacareí, SP), who ran 1,060 km
2nd place: Gerson R. J. de Barros, of Itanhandu Kennel (Itanhandu, MG) - 1,040 km
3rd place: Fausto Roger A. de Frias, of Aiuruoca Kennel (Aiuruoca, MG) - 1,020 km
In the main CAFIB’s official categories, the winning dogs were:
Best Male: Kratos of Itanhandu belonging to Brenda and Rodrigo Queiróz
Best Female: Cuba Fila Roots belonging to Thiago Rodrigues Gonçalves
Best Temperament: Cuba Fila Roots
Best Head: Heron do Passo do Trem belonging to Leonardo Machado
To see final and complete results of this exposition just click here.
And we take the opportunity to thank everyone who, in different ways, have participated in this exhibition and helped make it a great success once again:
- Thiago Rodrigues Gonçalves, for the dedication and cheerfulness that he has demonstrated in his tireless work on behalf of the Fila Brasileiro breed;
- Lucas Santos Fernandes Ferreira, for the efficient support provided to Thiago for the performance of the exhibition;
- JOCUM - Youngsters with a Mission, an officially recognized entity in Brazil as of Federal Public Utility (in addition to State and Municipal at various locations in the country), who gave way, for free, the venue of the event, in addition to hosting several exhibitors;
- JOCUM staff, especially Thiago Esmeraldo, Jean Gabriel, Samuel and all others;
- Michelle, Thiago's wife, who prepared such a very nice lunch;
- Rodrigo and Jorge, extras or agitators, who performed the temperament tests, having been very impressed with the reaction of the Filas and with CAFIB’s organization and remarked that only the breeders of German Shepherds do similar, but not so strict, evaluations;
- Faro DF School, which ceded, free of charge, its kennels to all exhibitors.
To the sponsors:
- VETERINÁRIA - Agropecuária e Consultório
- BUREAU N B - Soluções Transparentes
- Linguiças GOURMET
In June of next year we will hold, simultaneously, the 102nd National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro and the 4th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro - CAFIB of Brasília.
CAFIB would like to remind you the next CAFIB 2015 events calendar:
May 24 - was the date set for the 1st Fila Brasileiro Exhibition at Venezuela, to be judged by Pedro Carlos Borotti but our representative Humberto Pino decided to postpone the event due to the political situation in that country.
June 13 - 1st Fila Brasileiro Exhibition in Poland, to be judged by Jaime Pérez Marhuenda, CAFIBE Spain.
June 28 - 99th National CAFIB Exhibition and 7th Fila Exhibition of Porto Ferreira, to be judged by Américo Cardoso dos Santos Junior (Kennel Araguaya in Vargem Grande Paulista, SP) and Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura (Kennel Uirassu in Belo Horizonte, MG). These two breeders have extensive experience in the Fila Brasileiro judgment in countries like USA and Europe, but now, in Porto Ferreira, Paulo Augusto will make his debut as a CAFIB judge.
Sincerely, CAFIB Brazil.