Circular Expo Guaratinguetá 2017 - English
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106th National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro
32nd Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro of Guaratinguetá
CAFIB - Club of Improvement of Fila Brasileiro – the most traditional and most important entity specialized in this breed in the whole world – closed its 39th year of uninterrupted performance in favor of the genetic improvement of this fantastic watchdog, as usual, in Guaratinguetá, historical tourist resort located in the São Paulo region of Vale do Parnaíba. On December 3, this great sample of closing of our 2017 calendar – 106th National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro and 32nd Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro of Guaratinguetá -, also following the old tradition, was orchestrated under the skillful baton of the maestro Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono, director of CAFIB and member of our Fiscal Council and Permanent Deliberative Council, in addition to acting as customary host in our exhibitions. Jonas, as usual, relied on the important support of Benedito José Lima Neto, from the City Hall of the Tourist Resort of Guaratinguetá, which once again loaned the Municipal Exhibition Grounds Manoel Soares de Azevedo. This location, which also houses the Kartódromo Internacional de Guaratinguetá, is located on the curb of Highway Presidente Dutra and relies on while facilities covered for the performance of agricultural and cattle shows and big musicals shows. And it was also in this traditional site that, from 2015, by initiative of Francisco Peltier de Queiroz, CAFIB instituted the initially called Cafibra Trophy (name of his former kennel), and that later was changed to Trophy Chico Peltier, whose objective is to stimulate the breeding of the Fila Brasileiro with the bridled fur, that had becoming increasingly rare. This awarding has been granted for two categories of age, independently of the sex: Best Brindle Less than One Year Old and Best Brindle Above One Year Old. And since 1996, this great closing exhibition of the CAFIB's Annual Calendar has awarded the class winners the Sebastião Pereira Monteiro Júnior Trophy, celebrating the memory of the late judge, who has worked so hard for the breed. This year, as usual, his sons Domingos and Emílio were present and presented the award. From 1997, we began to pay homage to another important breeder, who was also an early deceased, assigning the Walter de Souza Novaes Nunes Trophy to the prize-winning dogs in the contest for the Best Temperament of the Exhibition.
During this 106th National, the secretarial works were in charge of Neuza Carvalho and Gérson Junqueira de Barros, with the aid of Mariana Campbell in the morning. The veterinarian responsible for the event was Verônica dos Santos Iacovantuono, while the photographs and videos were under the responsibility of Bruna Nogueira de Frias and Cíntia Junqueira de Barros. Among the many people who collaborated for the success of this confraternity, we also highlight the participation of Henriqueta and Benedito (Pelé) who, once again, installed their traditional snack bar, providing food and drinks.
Among the breeders, exhibitors, fans and other participants and admirers of the breed, representatives of 14 cities from three Brazilian states attended. From São Paulo, delegations came from Aparecida, Biritiba Mirim, Guaratinguetá, Guarulhos, Porto Ferreira, São Bernardo do Campo, São José dos Campos and the capital of São Paulo. From Minas Gerais, came from Aiuruoca, Baependi, Campo Belo, Igaratinga and Itanhandu. And we also relied on the representation of Rio de Janeiro. At the international level, it is worth mentioning the participation of two specimens from Uruguay, bred by CAFIB’s member Daniel Balsas: Natcha Piedras de Afilar - who won 3rd place in the Female Puppies Class, among 11 competitors - and Zezé Piedras de Afilar - who won the Best Brindle Award Over One Year of Age.
For the analyses and the judgments, we had the cooperation of members of the CAFIB Referee Board: Airton Campbell, Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes, Francisco Peltier de Queiroz, Giovani Éder de Carvalho, Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono, Mariana Campbell and Pedro Carlos Borotti.
In the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, which traditionally precedes the Exhibitions, seven specimens were present, of which six were approved and one failed due to atypicality. And at the Exhibition, which relied on 54 registrations and 51 dogs on the track, Mariana Campbell judged the males and Pedro Borotti, the females. As it has become a standard rule, in the tests of temperament and nervous system, we counted on the collaboration of the competent “experiment” Kristian. The choice of the best brindle was made by Airton Campbell and Chico Peltier. And in the ever-disputed final test for the choice of three best rated for the trophies for the Best Exposition Temperament, the six finalists received scores from several judges: in addition to Mariana and Pedro, who were in charge of judging the Exhibition, this fierce dispute was also evaluated by Airton, Chico, Giovani and Jonas. Fabiano was the only judge present not to participate of that choice because he was on the track, competing with an adult female dog.
The main results of this great closing exhibition of the 2017 season were:
BEST EXHIBITION MALE: Aragon do Itanhandu
BEST EXHIBITION FEMALE: Baiuca do Balacobaco
BEST EXHIBITION HEAD: Sultão Recanto do Livramento
At the end of the show, the points earned by the participants were computed which, along al the exhibitions of the year, have been added to the ranking and define the Brazilian Champions of the season. In this event, the winners were:
BREEDER OF THE YEAR: Canil Itanhandu
EXHIBITOR OF THE YEAR: Gerson Ribeiro Junqueira de Barros
YEAR'S TEMPERAMENT: Baiuca do Balacobaco
MALE BREEDER OF THE YEAR: Vulcão do Itanhandu
Marisa and Jorge Hino, holders of the Kennel Hisama (Guarulhos, SP), who, although away from the tracks, continue to honor us with their presence, handed over the Trophy Breeder of the Year 2017 to Cíntia and Gérson Junqueira de Barros, from Kennel Itanhandu (Itanhandu , MG). It was a delivery that clearly reflects the continuity and longevity of CAFIB’s actions and its members because the same Hino couple, exactly 30 years ago, had also been awarded the 1987 Trophy Breeder of the Year. And that confirms the statement contained in the testimony of one of the ambassadors of CAFIB in Europe, Judge Jaime Pérez - holder of the Kennel Acaboclado, in Alicante, Spain - during his most recent visit to Brazil in October: “CAFIB does not compare with any other entity of breeders because, much more than a club, it is a philosophy of life from the canine scope"
The complete results of this final event briefly will soon be disclosed in the site of CAFIB: www.cafib.org.br
In this closing, it is important to emphasize that CAFIB was purified and fortified sufficiently with the exit of some old members, who had established an entity destined not to the improvement of the true Fila Brasileiro, objective that we have been fulfilling with efficiency for four decades, but with the brazen and pretentious goal of destroying us and Taking our place. As of this cleaning made in our board and staff of judges, we started acting in a much more serene and harmonious climate. And this evolution, in seriousness, credibility and competence, was not only in the emotional scope, but it also reflects, objectively, in the numbers and statistics of our events. We always prioritize quality above amount, but, even thus, we cannot help celebrate the expressive and successive increase of registrations in our Analyses and Exhibitions in these more recent years:
- 2014 - 311 dogs
- 2015 - 309 dogs
- 2016 - 343 dogs
- 2017 - 424 dogs
And, in addition to the technical improvement of the breed, one has also strengthened confraternity among judges, directors, exhibitors and associates, as disclosed by the statistics of the presence of members of our Board of Arbitrators at the Exhibitors carried out in 2017:
- Itanhandu - 11
- Jacareí - 8
- Três Corações - 8
- Europe (Poland, Germany, Italy and Belgium) - 1
- Porto Ferreira - 10
- Argentina - 4
- Uruguai - 5
- Guaratinguetá - 7
Of these events, it must be stood out the marathon carried out for Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira, whom, alone, drove more than 4,000 km in the European continent, where, in four countries, he analyzed 21 Filas, in addition to having made a lecture in Italy, with projections of dozens comparative images to explain the differences between pure and crossbred Filas. It is also necessary to highlight the visit, from Alicante, in Spain, of the judge of CAFIB Jaime Perez Marhuenda - founding and president of CAFIBE (Club de Brazilian Amigos del Fila Brasileiro en España) -, untiring fighter for the genetic improvement of the breed and who acted in the judgment of the 105th National Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of CAFIB and the 9th Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro of Porto Fereira. We also highlight the important effort on the part of veterinarian Mariana Campbell, responsible for all the tiring, detail and indispensible bureaucratic work backstage, involving the huge amount of paperwork and the documentation to be prepared and sent to the partners and exhibitors. Mariana, as well as Judge Giovani Éder de Carvalho, marked presence in the five events carried out this year in Brazil and, also, the ones in Uruguay and Argentina. And, to close, we must not forget the unyielding performance of the “sniper” “Uncle Chico”, our honoris cause judge Francisco Peltier de Queiroz, implacable fighter of mix-breeding and false pedigrees.
We wish you all an excellent 2018, year when, we will proudly celebrate our 40th anniversary!