Circular Expo Guaratinguetá 2018 - English
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108th National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro
33rd Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro of Guaratinguetá
Catholics have numerous ways to worship the Blessed Virgin Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus, depending on the location of her apparition or the circumstances in which she manifested herself. Different types of prayer and worship, in many parts of the world, are dedicated to our Lady of Lourdes, Fatima, of Prague, of Carmo, of Grace, of Guadalupe, of Purification, of the Good Death, of the Exile, of the Assumption, of the Perpetual Help and, among many others, the patron saint of Brazil, our Lady of Aparecida.
The story of fishermen who, in 1717, brought from the waters of the Paraíba do Sul River, entangled in their nets, an image of the body of Our Lady, is well known. Her head was missing, but when they removed the net again, they found the missing head. This saint who “appeared” in the waters started being worshipped because of her miracles and, with the ever increasing number of visitors, she was transferred from the house of the fisherman who had found her, to an oratory, then to a chapel, and yet to a large church (today called old Basilica) and, finally - after the city of Aparecida had already become independent from Guaratinguetá -, to the impressing Catedral Basílica Santuário Nacional de Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida, with more than 140 thousand m2 of built area. It is the largest Catholic temple in Brazil and the second in the world, behind only the Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican. Every year it receives about 12 million pilgrims and has already been visited by Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. Our Lady Aparecida was officially declared Patroness of Brazil in 1931, by the then President Getúlio Vargas. Shrouded in intense religious aura, Guaratinguetá, in addition to being the birthplace of the Patron Saint, is also the birthplace of the first Brazilian Catholic Saint, Friar Antônio de Sant'Anna Galvão, born in 1739 and canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007. To top it off, the city is also home to our Lady of Lourdes Grotto, built in 1921 and which contains a few stones brought from the small town of Lourdes, in France, gathered at the place where the Virgin Mary appeared to three girls and where, in 1876, was built the The Basilica of Lourdes, also visited every year by millions of pilgrims.
And, in addition to being called the "Mariana Capital of Faith", the historic Guaratinguetá Tourist Resort, founded in the 17th century, could also be considered the "Capital of Fila Brasileiro " due to its intense performance in favor of the breed. It is the city that most hosted analyses and exhibitions of CAFIB and traditionally serves as the stage for the last of the year, which closes the calendar and celebrates the delivery of the titles to the annual champions of the various categories. It was here that, in ExpoGuará 2008, we honored, with commemorative plates, three very important journalists in the dissemination of CAFIB’s work and in the preservation of the purity of the breed: Antonio Carvalho Mendes, who wrote about cynophilia in various Press agencies, such as the traditional “Revista dos Criadores” and, mainly, the “O Estado de São Paulo” newspaper, in whose editing room CAFIB was born; Paulo Roberto Godinho, handler, judge, dog columnist, and author of several books about dogs; and Luiz Antônio Maciel, CAFIB’s director since its foundation and member of our staff of judges, with international experience, in addition to broad professional performance in the most important Press agencies of the country and having been the major individual responsible for the publication of the 42 issues of the “O Fila” bulletin.
It was also here that in 2015, when we held our 30th Fila Brasileiro Exhibition in Guaratinguetá, we also celebrated the 100th National Exhibition of CAFIB’s Brazilian Fila, in which we paid homage to the judge, breeder, CAFIB director, founder and president of CAFIB Recife, editor of "O FIBRA" newspaper, lawyer and professor of tax law Dr. José Souto Maior Borges and, once again, Paulo Roberto Godinho, who in 2013 released his most important book, the excellent "Fila Brasileiro – A gift from the stars". To these two outstanding honorees, both absent due to health reasons, statuettes of Fila Brasileiro were sent. In that event, with the aim of stimulating the breeding of brindle Filas, increasingly rare on the tracks, Francisco Peltier de Queiroz instituted the Cafibra Trophy, with the name of his former kennel - which then started to be called Chico Peltier Trophy - to reward the best specimens with this fur in two categories: less than 1 year and over 1 year of age. The initiative has been fruitful and the number of brindle dogs on the track has already become a lot more expressive. Another innovation introduced at that exhibition was the way to choose the best Temperament of the Exhibition. Pre-selected Filas by the firmer and more aggressive reactions to the attack tests during the judgment of the exhibition are again called to the tracks to undergo further tests, usually performed by two experimental dogs. They are then once again evaluated, one by one, by all CAFIB judges present on the premises, who individually note on their boards the grade (from 1 to 10) for each of the competitors. At the end of the test, the sheets are collected by the Secretary, who sums the scores, and the judges themselves remain under the expectation to know the winner will be.
In this year of 2018, on December 2, we concluded the celebrations of our 40th anniversary and once again in Guaratinguetá, in the Municipal Exhibition Grounds Manoel Soares de Azevedo, we closed our Annual Calendar of Exhibitions with a golden key. As usual, the event was organized by the judge and director of CAFIB Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono, who currently spends much of the year in Sweden, where his daughter and his grandson are living as a result of his son-in-law, aeronautical engineer graduated by ITA, be performing in the country, a training course of specialization in the manufacture and maintenance of jets purchased by Brazilian Aeronautics and that, in the future, will be produced in the São Paulo municipality of São José dos Campos.
In the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament that traditionally precedes the Exhibition, five dogs participated, two of which were disapproved by disqualifying reaction in tests of temperament and nervous system. The 108th National Exhibition of CAFIB Fila Brasileiro and the 33rd Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Guaratinguetá, received 48 entries and had 46 Filas on the track. The judges were Fabiano Nunes, judging the males, and Giovane Éder de Carvalho, judging the females, aided by Beth Sayuri Hino. Other members of the Board of Judges of CAFIB present: Airton Campbell, Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr., Francisco Peltier de Queiroz, Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira, Mariana Campbell and Pedro Borotti conducted Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament, and participated in the Committee that evaluated the final test for the choice of the Best Temperament of the Exhibition.
The work of the Secretary was under the responsibility of Cleide Cocito Cardoso dos Santos and Mariana Campbell, while the photographs were taken by Beth Hino and Chico Peltier. Benedito José de Lima Neto, Benê, also aided in the track work and acted as experiments in temperament tests Wolney Almeida Santos and Dionísio Rabelo. The already traditional snack bar, once again, was under the charge of Henriqueta and her husband, Dito Pelé.
CAFIB registers and thanks the presence of breeder Daniel Balsas, holder of the Piedras de Afilar Kennel, who came from Canelones, Uruguay, accompanied by his son Mathias; the ever present couple Marisa and Shoji “Jorge” Hino, from Hisama Kennel, in Guarulhos (SP) handing over prizes to several class winners; agronomist Newton Filizola, of Itaipu Kennel, in São Carlos (SP) and Antônio Santos da Silva Novaes, of Aldeia dos Tigres Kennel, in Goiânia (GO), who, once again, received trophy Fileiro da Estrada, destined do who, to be able to attend, has run the longest distance. The road route from Goiânia to Aparecida is 1,048 km. long.
As usual, the trophies of the Exhibitions of Guaratinguetá take the name of Sebastião Pereira Monteiro Jr, beloved breeder, director and judge of CAFIB, who son, Domingos, once again, honored us with his presence. And, since 1997, the dog chosen as Best Temperament of the Exhibition receives the Walter de Souza Novaes Nunes trophy, in honor of the founder of the award-winning Jawa Kennel, today maintained by his son Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes, who was one of the judges of this great show.
The main results of the 2018 season closing Exhibition and the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the CAFIB were:
BEST MALE OF THE EXHIBITION: Valente of Itanhandu, owned by Gérson Ribeiro Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG)
BEST FEMALE OF THE EXHIBITION: Sevilha of Itanhandu, owned by Gérson Ribeiro Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG)
BEST HEAD OF THE EXHIBITION: Sevilha of Itanhandu, owned by Gérson Ribeiro Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG)
BEST TEMPERAMENT OF THE EXHIBITION: Greco Recanto do Livramento, owned by Leonardo Monteiro (Cordisburgo, MG)
Throughout the event, our computer program would register the score received by the participants, and added it to the ones granted throughout the year, to complete the final result of CAFIB’s 2018 ranking and define the main titles of the season. The followed was awarded:
BREEDER OF THE YEAR: Canil Itanhandu, de Cintia e Gerson Junqueira de Barros, Itanhandu-MG;
VICE BREEDER OF THE YEAR: Canil Recanto do Livramento, de Leonardo Monteiro, Cordisburgo-MG;
SOUTH AMERICAN MALE CHAMPION: Aragon do Itanhandu, de Cintia e Gerson Junqueira de Barros, Itanhandu-MG;
SOUTH AMERICAN MALE VICE CHAMPION: Greco Recanto do Livramento, de Leonardo Monteiro, Cordisburgo-MG;
SOUTH AMERICAN FEMALE CHAMPION: Sevilha do Itanhandu, de Cintia e Gerson Junqueira de Barros, Itanhandu-MG;
SOUTH AMERICAN FEMALE VICE CHAMPION: Elba II de Jawa, de Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes, de Guaratinguetá-SP;
TEMPERAMENT OF THE YEAR: Aragon do Itanhandu, de Cintia e Gerson Junqueira de Barros, Itanhandu-MG;
VICE TEMPERAMENT OF THE YEAR: Greco Recanto do Livramento, de Leonardo Monteiro, Cordisburgo-MG;
EXHIBITOR OF THE YEAR: Gerson e Cintia Ribeiro Junqueira de Barros, de Itanhandu-MG;
VICE EXHIBITOR OF THE YEAR: Leonardo Monteiro, de Cordisburgo-MG;
MALE REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR: Vulcãodo Itanhandu, de Cintia e Gerson Junqueira de Barros, Itanhandu-MG;
VICE MALE REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR: Anjo do Portal dos Quatro Irmãos, de Leonardo Monteiro, de Cordisburgo-MG;
FEMALE REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR: Lana Logan Filas do Guapuruvu, de Leonardo Monteiro, Cordisburgo-MG;
VICE FEMALE REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR: Fumaça do Itanhandu, de Cintia e Gerson Junqueira de Barros, Itanhandu-MG.
We are proud to have started the year with a record Exhibition in the number of dogs (exact 101 Filas), on the track of Fazenda Guapiara in Itanhandu (MG); once again, we closed our calendar in great style, already beginning to prepare for the celebration of our fiftieth anniversary, and proving the great truth of the small phrase expressed in our corporate logo: “Fila is CAFIB”.