Circular Expo Itanhandu 2017 - English
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Another great CAFIB success!!!
The municipality of Itanhandu, embedded in Serra da Mantiqueira, is part of the São Lourenço micro region, located in the South/Southeast Minas Gerais state and its history begins in the early years of the 18th century. At that time, a small cluster of houses gave rise to Arraial da Barra do Rio Verde, so called because it was located at the confluence of rivers Verde and Itanhandu. As the word "ita", of Tupi origin, means stone and "nhandu" is the name given by the Indians to the Brazilian ostrich (Rhea americana), the largest bird of the Brazilian fauna, "itanhandu" means "ema de pedra" (stone ostrich). The modest Minas Gerais village, located near the border with the state of São Paulo and bordering the state of Rio de Janeiro, kept growing and, in 1923, became the municipality of Itanhandu. Because of this strategic location, it was the stage of several armed conflicts and, during the Revolution of 1932, it went through situations of population evacuation and blackouts after dusk. At that time, one of the fighters was a young medical lieutenant of the Military Policy of Minas Gerais, called Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira (1902 - 1976), who would come to become Mayor of Belo Horizonte, Governor of the State of Minas Gerais and, later, President of the Republic, when he was the designer and responsible for one of the most outstanding pieces of work in Brazilian history and the 20th century: the construction of Brasilia, materializing the old idea to install the Federal Capital in the geographic center of the country. Juscelino had always stated that his political career began in Itanhandu.
Called "Healthy City", due to the pure mountain climate, the municipality is part of the Touristic Circuit High Lands of Mantiqueira; and since this region of Atlantic Forest is very rich in beautiful landscapes, natural pools, waterfalls, wells, rapids and ecological trails, it became a paradise for hikers, trekkers, horseback riders, lovers of endurance, mountain biking, "float cross", mountaineering, climbing, rappel, jeep and free flight. Among the local attractions, Pedra da Embocadura stands out, a rocky formation that is part of the "South Minas Gerais Geographic System" and according to the Brazilian Society of Eubiose, is part of the planet's energy center, composed of seven chakras (entry and exit points of energy) located in mystical cities, one of which is Itanhandu.
In the economic aspect, the main activity is poultry farming and this municipality has historically been classified among the three largest egg producers in Brazil. And, in addition to the huge amount of product, its quality is also very high because the mild climate stimulates the birds' appetite and reduces the need for water intake, which improves egg consistency and makes the egg white denser.
Itanhandu also integrates the circuit of cities traveled in the 1940’s by Santos’s attorney, Paulo Santos Cruz, who sought, in the backlands of that time, the best specimens of the dogs regionally called "boiadeiros", "onceiros", "atravessados" or "cabeçudos" and came to constitute the breed officially called Fila Brasileiro.
As it has become usual, the Annual Calendar of CAFIB’s Exhibitions - Fila Brasileiro Enhancement Club, in 2017, it was once again officially opened in Itanhandu, in Cíntia and Gérson Junqueira de Barros’s old farm, he belonging to the traditional family of one of the historical pioneers of the Fila Brasileiro breed, Pedro Ribeiro Junqueira de Souza, “Pedrinho do Engenho”, from Carmo de Minas. The event, held on Sunday, April 2, was the 104th National Exhibition of CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro and the 10th Fila Brasileiro of Itanhandu Exhibition, with the impressive record of 74 dogs enrolled and 72 on track, a difficult number to reach in any specialized, any breed, anywhere in the world, attesting to the success of these 39 uninterrupted years of work for the preservation and genetic improvement of our stock. On Saturday, April 1st, eve of the event, the great pleiad of judges present - in alphabetical order, Airton Campbell, Américo Cardoso dos Santos Júnior, Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes, Francisco Peltier de Queiroz, Giovani Éder Florêncio de Carvalho, Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono, José Gonçalves Franco Júnior, Luciano José de Almeida Gavião, Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira, Mariana Campbell and Pedro Carlos Borotti - gathered to debate several technical aspects of the analyses and judgments, suggested for the veterinary and founder of CAFIB, Cleide Cocito Cardoso dos Santos.
Marcus, Fabiano, Luciano, Giovani, Jonas, Américo, Franco, Chico, Airton, Pedro and Mariana.
In the Phenotype and Temperament Analysis, which preceded the judgment, 14 dogs were seen, of which only one was rejected. The secretarial work was carried out by Mariana Campbell, Cleide Cocito Cardoso dos Santos and Denise Gavião, while Cíntia Junqueira de Barros took charge of the photos and videos destined to the site and Facebook. In order to photograph the enrolled specimens, we counted on the important collaboration of Bruna Frias, from Kennel Aiuruoca, in Aiuruoca (MG). By the way, out of curiosity, this historical city, founded in 1706 - that also integrates the Tourist Circuit High Lands of Mantiqueira and, likewise, is considered one of the seven sacred cities of eubiose -, owes its name to river Aiuruoca that has the highest spring of Brazil located in Serra de Itatiaia, at 2,450 meters in height and forming, between many other waterfalls, the very cold Waterfall of Aiuruoca, at 40 meters in height, in the Valley of the Aiuruoca, located at the National Park of Itatiaia.
At the opening of the event, its organizer, Gérson Ribeiro Junqueira de Barros, CAFIB's legal director, made a brief presentation speech and received honors from foreign breeders. A beautiful painting, painted by the Uruguayan artist Sebastian Gimenez, was handed over by the couple Daniel and Jimena Balsas, who were accompanied by their children Matias and Agustina – from Kennel Piedras de Afilar, in Uruguay.
And the couple José Mario Rojas Ocampo and Lígia Chaves Rodrigues - from Kennel El Isidreño, in Costa Rica - presented the couple Gérson and Cintia with a plate in thanks for working for the Fila Brasileiro, capriciously elaborated with the colors of the flag of their country, red, blue and white, which, coincidentally, are the same colors of Itanhandu’s flag and coat of arms.
Gérson paid tribute to Dr. José Gonçalves Franco Junior for his return to the tracks as a judge specialized in CAFIB’s Brazilian Fila breed.
Among the many personalities present was businessman Evaldo Ribeiro de Barros, mayor of Itanhandu and Gérson’s brother. Also, to prestige the event, were breeders and admirers of Fila Brasileiro from several regions of the country: Wagner Amaro Pinto, President of SPFB – Paulista Society of Fila Brasileiro and owner of Kennel Fazenda Rio Negro, in Varginha (MG); Guto Lopes Batista, from Kennel Araxá, in Caçapava (SP); Aloísio do Rego Mello Filho, from Kennel Realengo, in São Luiz (MA); Wolner Lopes Moura Santos Filho, from Kennel Taboca dos Filas, in Caxias (MA). It is also important to highlight the presence of several breeders and directors of CBKC, who honored us with their attendance and participation in the awards ceremony. The event counted on participants (breeders, exhibitors, directors of dog clubs and audience) coming from the Minas Gerais cities of Aiuruoca, Barroso, Belo Horizonte, Campo Belo, Igaratinga, Itamonte, Itanhandu, Passa Quatro and Patrocíneo; from the São Paulo cities of Aparecida, Descalvado, Guaratinguetá, Jacareí, Juquitiba, Mogi das Cruzes, Monte Mor, Porto Ferreira, Ribeirão Preto, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo and Vargem Grande Paulista; from Rio de Janeiro (RJ), in addition to those breeders already mentioned from Uruguay and Costa Rica. And a "fileiro" from Spain, Diego de Los Reyes, Seville, Spain, although he had been unable to attend, left a dog in Itanhandu to participate in the Exhibition.It is also necessary to emphasize the important performance of the "experiment" Dionísio Rabello, from Passa Quatro, who performed the tests of temperament and nervous system.
Shortly before the beginning of the Exhibition, as usual, a lottery was held between the two judges and Pedro Carlos Borotti was the judge of the males, while Giovani Éder de Carvalho was in charge of the females. The prizes in the categories "Best Head of the Exhibition" and "Best Temperament of the Exhibition" were jointly decided by Pedro and Giovani.
And, before entering the official classes, the puppies under 6 months of age were judged in the "Incentive" class, which among the females registered another record with 15 competitors on the track.
This large number of puppies, which will soon formally participate in the exhibitions and become dugs and matrices, contributing to the genetic improvement of the pure Fila Brasileiro, attests to the continuity and success of CAFIB's work in these 39 years of uninterrupted actions in favor of the breed.
Another judgment that has already become customary was that of "Best Brindle Fila Brasileiro in the Exhibition", divided into two categories "Less than 1 Year Old” and "Over 1 Year Old". This choice was made by Francisco Peltier de Queiroz (idealizer of this initiative), in partnership with José Gonçalves Franco Júnior, one of the oldest members of our umpires’ staff.
Gynecologist José Gonçalves Franco Júnior is graduated in medicine from USP (University of São Paulo), where he obtained the position of Full Professor in the field of assisted human reproduction, in addition to Master's, Doctor’s and post doctorate degrees. From his broad curriculum of studies, research, publications of scientific papers, awards and specializations, the period of 1984 to 1985 must be highlighted, where he attended the University of California, in the United States, chairing the Brazilian Society of Assisted Reproduction and the Latin American Network of Assisted Reproduction, in addition to the foundation and scientific direction of the Center of Human Reproduction Professor Franco Júnior, in Ribeirão Preto (SP). Dr. Franco was born in Santos, where, through attorney Paulo Santos Cruz, met the Fila Brasileiro dog and, and at the age of 14 - two years after the death of his mother, when he went on living with his brother-in-law - he lived together with his first specimen of the breed, a ‘tabby’ named Lawrence. Because this dog was too violent and had bitten postmen and maids, the brother-in-law, concerned about possible assaults on his daughters, decided to dispose of him and got in touch with Paulo Santos Cruz, who sold it to a prince of Bavaria. As the then boy Franco Júnior was the only one to govern the Fila, he was forced to go through the trauma of taking the dear fellow to the ship and put him in the cage in which he crossed the ocean towards Germany. Always in love with the breed, Franco is part of the first waves of CAFIB judges, having had his debut on the tracks during our First Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Baixada Santista, in May 1983. In that event, he was aided by the veterinarian and traditional “all rounder” judge of CBKC, Vicente Costa, who, at the time, made his adhesion to CAFIB official.
Franco Junior will judge in October 29, the 105th National Exhibition of CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro , in Porto Ferreira, along with Jaime Perez Marhuenda, President of CAFIBE.
A recent award, but that has also become quite customary, is the delivery of the “On-the-road Fila Trophy”, designed by Tiago Rodrigues Gonçalves, from Kennel Fila Roots, in Brasilia (DF), and destined to the breeder or exhibitor who had covered the longest distance to attend the Exhibition. In this event of Itanhandu, the award was delivered to Daniel Balsas, from Canelones, in Uruguay, who presented Nacha Piedras de Afilar, from his breeding, in the class of “Female Puppies”.
For the delivery of the awards, several personalities of the present public had been invited: the two couples, coming from Uruguay (Daniel and Jimena) and from Costa Rica (José Mario and Lígia); Cláudia, Dr. Franco Jr.’s wife; Neuza, Giovani’s wife; Siliane, Fabiano’s wife; Vitória, Gérson and Cíntia’s daughter; Wagner Amaro (from Varginha, MG); Guto Lopes (from Caçapava, SP); Aluísio Mello and Wolner Santos Filho (both from Maranhão).
By virtue of the great number of enrolled specimens, the judgment work were only closed at 10 pm with a very cold temperature stressed by strong winds, when the “Best Temperament of the Exhibition" was chosen. The traditional and very tasty feijoada of Dona Elza Júlio, assisted by Sandra Custódio and Maria Aparecida Júlio, had already started being served at 5 pm and extended until around 11:30 pm.
The results of the main classes were the following:
Best Male: Quizar Recanto do Livramento, by José Wilson Vilela (Campo Belo, MG)
Best Female: Dara da Terra do Thar, from Kennel Itanhandu (Itanhandu, MG)
Best Head: Chuva do Carlão, by Carlos Augusto Mansour (Monte Mor, SP)
Best Temperament: Aragon do Itanhandu, from Kennel Itanhandu (Itanhandu, MG)
Best Tabby (less than 1 year): Elba de Jawa, by Fabiano Nunes (Guaratinguetá, SP)
Best Tabby (over 1 year): Quizar Recanto do Livramento, by José Wilson Vilela (Campo Belo, MG)
The complete results of the 104th National Exhibition of the Brazilian Filha of CAFIB in Itanhandu will soon be published by our Disclosure Board, on the site: www.cafib.org.br And our next event will be the 4th Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro of Jacareí, in Vale do Paraíba, on June 18, at the city’s Exhibition Park, organized by Flávio Pires, from Kennel Palmares, and judged by CAFIB’s president, Luciano José de Almeida Gavião (Descalvado, SP) and by Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira (Belo Horizonte, MG).
To close, nothing better that CAFIB’s sticker, designed in 1978, with a very short sentence, with only 10 letters, rewritten by Luiz Antonio Maciel, but that remains current to this date, 39 years later.