Circular Expo Itanhandu 2019 - English
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12th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Itanhandu
CAFIB - Fila Brasileiro Enhancement Club, as it has already become a practice, this year - 2019 (in which we celebrate our 41st anniversary), started its Exhibition Calendar once again in Itanhandu, in the mountains of southern Minas Gerais. And the stage of the event, on April 7, was once again the traditional Fazenda Guapiara, belonging to the organizers of the show, Cíntia and Gérson Junqueira de Barros, and where it is also installed the Itanhandu Kennel, founded in 1994 - a gigantic breeding ground, always impeccably clean, in which are maintained more than 50 adult breeding Filas.
This 109th National Exhibition of CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro and 12th Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro de Itanhandu counted on "only" 100 dogs on track, thus not breaking the record of 101 competitors, registered in the same place in 2018, because Cíntia and Gérson registered only in the "Incentive" and "Puppies" classes. And they made the decision not to present their dogs on the track in 2019, although they continue to participate, as always, of the CAFIB Board of Directors and assist in the preparation, organization and dissemination of the various activities involving the genetic improvement of the true Fila Brasileiro.
And, speaking of 100 Filas on the track, here we open a parenthesis to remind, as a historical record, that in the 1st Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament promoted by CAFIB in the capital of São Paulo in August 1979, the founding judges of the club, Airton Campbell, Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr., Marília Penteado Maruyama, Paulo Santos Cruz and Roberto Maruyama, assessed 113 Filas. In addition, in order to preserve the memory of our entity, we also recorded that in June 1980, the same five judges assessed 74 dogs and Paulo Santos Cruz judged the 52 registered dogs for our 1st National Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro, in the Dr. Fernando Costa Park, created in 1929 and better known as Água Branca Park, in São Paulo (SP). We cannot but regret that this traditional stage of large agricultural shows, located on the West side of the city, in the neighborhood of Barra Funda, with its wide bucolic landscape and its pleasant buildings, has been replaced, since 1978, by the horrendous Compound of Exhibitions of Água Funda (then, Agrocentro, and then, Immigrant Exhibition Center, and now Expo São Paulo), a cold concrete construction and badly located, in Jabaquara, South Area, on the banks of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes, which leads to the coast, as if the livestock establishments were not within the State, but were either by the sea, forcing exhibitors to, painfully cross, with their cattle trucks, all the huge São Paulo capital, where the hellish traffic of vehicles is one of the most congested in the world.
Closing the parenthesis, and returning to Fazenda Guapiara, we recorded here the extraordinary curriculum of the Itanhandu Kennel:
BREEDER OF THE YEAR: 2008 to 2018
BRAZILIAN CHAMPION 2008: Umiri do Itanhandu
BRAZILIAN CHAMPION 2011, 2012 and 2013: Zenon do Itanhandu
BRAZILIAN CHAMPION 2015: Cipó do Itanhandu
BRAZILIAN CHAMPION 2016: Kratos do Itanhandu
BRAZILIAN CHAMPION 2017: Aragon do Itanhandu
SOUTH AMERICAN CHAMPION 2018: Aragon do Itanhandu
SOUTH AMERICAN CHAMPION (female) 2018: Sevilha do Itanhandu
TEMPERAMENT OF THE YEAR 2012: Zenon do Itanhandu
TEMPERAMENT OF THE YEAR 2018: Aragon do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR 2012: Umiri do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR 2014: Zenon do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR 2015 and 2016: Umiri do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR 2017 and 2018: Vulcão do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR (female) 2008: Videira do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR (female) 2009: Valença do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR (female) 2011: Sirena do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR (female) 2012: Salina do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR (female) 2015: Xuxa do Itanhandu
REPRODUCER OF THE YEAR (female) 2016 and 2017: Filó do Itanhandu
In this impressive list, Zenon do Itanhandu’s performance stands out, who has accumulated the titles of Brazilian three times champion (2011, 2012 and 2013), Temperament of the Year (2012) and Reproducer of the Year (2014), in addition to having received the rare and coveted CAFIB Gold Medal, corresponding to the Fine qualification.
We remind you that Gérson participated in a CAFIB Exhibition, for the first time, in 1986, in the city of Guaratinguetá (SP), even before he married Cíntia. He brings passion for the genetic improvement of the Fila and love for the race deeply engraved in his DNA, as a result of his strong family and affective ties with traditional breeders from the south of Minas Gerais. He is great nephew of Pedro Ribeiro Junqueira de Souza, the legendary "Pedrinho do Engenho" (1908 - 1991), a pharmacist who raised his dogs at Fazenda do Engenho, located in the place that originally had been called Arraial Carmo de Cristina and later was called Carmo do Pouso Alto de Cristina; in 1832, when dismembering from Pouso Alto, the arraial became a parish; in 1841, when it was elevated to district, it changed name again of, to Carmo do Rio Verde; from 1901 it became independent and started being called Silvestre Ferraz (a name it had at the time when it was visited by lawyer Paulo Santos Cruz, who had started his Parnapuan Kennel in the 1940’s and traveled constantly to the south of Minas Gerais in search for typical specimens), and, finally, in 1953, it received the name of Carmo de Minas. In this Fazenda do Engenho, Pedrinho's grandfather, Joaquim José de Faria e Souza, had started his breeding of dogs (then still called Boiadeiros, Onceiros or Cabeçudos, because only quite some time later they would be called Fila Brasileiro) in 1850. In addition to his blood ties with this family, Gérson, from childhood, is also a friend of João da Silva Costa’s grandchildren, of Itanhandu, a great breeder of Filas, and on whose farm he made his first contacts with the breed. In a tribute to this important farmer, the location of the agricultural shows of the city is called Exhibition Park João da Silva Costa. As a curiosity, it is worth noting that one of the first Filas from farms brought by CAFIB, at the beginning of our pilgrimages in search for typical remnants of the breed, was the specimen of João Costa’s breed, called Leão (CAFIB SP 0013). who became one of the most important breeders of the breed and was granted by the late Sebastião Pereira Monteiro, who lived in Aparecida (SP), to Airton Campbell, owner of the Parque Castelo Kennel, in the capital of São Paulo. Leão produced in the 1980’s one of the highlights of this traditional breeding ground: Fort of the Parque do Castelo, whose mother was Amandi do Araguaya, in turn, daughter of another farm dog, Sultão (bred by José Gomes, from Varginha, and discovered by CAFIB in the city of Fama). Still as curiosity, attesting to the little importance that the breeders attributed to the Filas, we remind that when we first visited that farm belonging to João Costa, we found, with surprise, that the numerous stock was composed of several males, all called Leão, and several females, all called Fera.
Going back to 2019 and to this great Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, in Itanhandu, we recorded the attendance of 29 dogs, of which 27 were approved and two, rejected because they presented a disqualifying reaction in the tests of temperament and nervous system. At the Exhibition, held soon after that, Mariana Campbell (Parque do Castelo Kennel) judged 61 females and Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes (Jawa Kennel), 39 males. As usual, the first class to enter the track was that of Puppies, less than six months old (and exempted from previous analysis), which, in this event, had 19 females and 17 males. It is important to note that, even without having been analyzed, one of the competitors, Zandor do Carlão, was removed from the track before the trial began because he presented a disqualifying lack indicative of mix-breeding: very dark brindle coat color, forming large black spots throughout body.
The Itanhandu Kennel, through Cintia and Gerson, paid a tribute to Giovani Eder de Carvalho and Nelson ... for the contribution that made to the breed in these 41 years of CAFIB.
The judges Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr. acted as judges in the Analysis (Vargem Grande Paulista, SP), Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes (Guaratinguetá, SP), Giovani Éder de Carvalho (Aparecida, SP), Luciano José de Almeida Gavião (Descalvado, SP) and Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira (Nova Serrana, MG). And at the Exhibition, the following people worked as track assistants: Bete Sayuri Hino (from the Canama Hisama Kennel in Guarulhos, SP) and José Mário Rojas Ocampo (our representative in Costa Rica and holder of the El Isidreño Kennel). The best brindle dogs were chosen by Francisco Peltier de Queiroz (Rio de Janeiro, RJ). The veterinarian responsible for the event was Luciano Gavião, the secretarial work was under the responsibility of Denise Gavião and Cleide Cocito Cardoso dos Santos, while Cíntia Junqueira de Barros and Bete Hino took charge of the photographs. The evidence of attack was carried out with a lot of competence by the experienced Dionísio Rabelo.
This opening event of the 2019 CAFIB Season was attended by breeders, exhibitors, judges, partners, admirers and interested parties involved in the breeding of the Fila Brasileiro from various municipalities and states of Brazil and abroad. Among the Brazilians, we counted on the participation of: representatives of Bahia (Vitória da Conquista); Goiás (Aparecida de Goiânia and Goiânia); Maranhão (São Luís and Caxias); Minas Gerais (Aiuruoca, Belo Horizonte, Botelhos, Campanha, Campo Belo, Cordisburgo, Itanhandu, Lavras, Nova Serrana, Passa Quatro, Patos de Minas, Santa Rita do Sapucaí, São José da Lapa and Três Corações); Piauí (Teresina); Rio de Janeiro (Macaé, Quatis, Rio de Janeiro and Valença); Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre); São Paulo (Aparecida, Biritiba Mirim, Bragança Paulista, Cruzeiro, Descalvado, Guaratinguetá, Guarulhos, Jacareí, Paraibuna, São Bernardo do Campo, São Carlos, São Paulo, Tuiuti and Vargem Grande Paulista). And, among the foreigners, we highlight the presence of representatives from Costa Rica (Alajuela) and Uruguay (Canelones).
CAFIB registers and thanks the attendance of those interested and exhibitors who came from afar to attend the event, especially the participation of the Costa Rican José Mario Rojas Ocampo (lawyer) and his wife Lígia Chaves Rodríguez (who was nutritionist of the National Soccer Team of Costa Rica). We also point out the presence on the track of a she-dog from the department of Canelones, in Uruguay, sent by Daniel Balsas, from the Piedras de Afilar Kennel. Among the Brazilians who came by car or flew great distances, we are grateful for the visit of our friends from Piauí, Gorthon Lima Mortiz, from Recanto Moriá Kennel, who last year was one of the main organizers of the 1st CAFIB Exhibition in Teresina, together with Leo Lima (CAFIB representative in Piauí) and Vítor Abreu de Souza, owners of the Itapi Kennel, partners of CAFIB, in addition to Wolner Filho, of the Tabacco Kennel. We also appreciate the attendance of Aluísio R. Mello Filho, of the Realengo Kennel, of the city of São Luiz, in Maranhão; Claudio Rocha, of Arizona Kennel, Bahia, as well as Fabiano Aguiar Gonçalves, of Querência Velha Kennel, and Ricardo Freiberger Oliveira, of Tchê Munaias Kennel, both from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. We were also honored with the presence of Cristóvão Giancotti and his wife Claudia, a traditional Minas Gerais breeder, very respected in Brazil and abroad, owner of the well-known Tabayara Kennel in Belo Horizonte. And those who came from even farther to participate in the show, bringing four Filas, having therefore received the Trophy Fila da Estrada, was our partner, the exhibitor Cristiane Pedreira Coelho, of the Herdade Kennel, coming from Vitória da Conquista, Bahia.
In our continuous process of expansion, we now count on new members, who opened and registered kennels, in addition to participating in the Exhibition: the Paraibuna paulista, José Luís Calderaro Neto, from the Guardians Kennel of Paraibuna; and the Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Luiz Antônio Barreira, of Fazenda Boa Vista Kennel; of Santa Rita do Sapucaí, Rodrigo Pereira de Mesquita, of Vale do Sapucaí Kennel; of São José da Lapa, Marcos Abrão Borges de Melo, of the Jardim da Lapa Kennel; of Patos de Minas, Mauro Caixeta Jr., of the Fazenda Juá Kennel and that of Botelhos Kennel, Jonas Martins de Jesus. Finally, we also received the visit of four former members of CAFIB, who had already been expressive breeders and regular exhibitors at our events, but who, for personal reasons, had temporarily to stay away: Half Fonseca Marassi, of Also Quatis Kennel (Quatis, RJ), Joaquim Liberato Barroso, of Boa Sorte Kennel (Valença, RJ), Felipe Medeiros and his wife, Flávia Thaís, of Boca Negra Kennel (Cruzeiro, SP) and Waidson Bolpetti and wife, of the Caniu Makarius do Tuiuti Kennel, from the city of Tuiuti, SP.
The two judges, Mariana and Fabiano, together, selected 12 specimens for the Best Head of the Exhibition and also 12 to participate in the Best Temperament of the Exhibition.
The winners of the main awards were:
BEST MALE: Sultão do Recanto do Livramento, owned by Felício Branco Unello (Biritiba Mirim, SP)
BEST FEMALE: Gana Recanto do Livramento, owned by Leonardo Monteiro (Cordisburgo, MG)
BEST HEAD: Lyoto Fila Roots, owned by Alessandro Castro Bueno (Aparecida de Goiânia, GO)
BEST TEMPERAMENT: Lyoto Fila Roots, owned by Alessandro Castro Bueno (Aparecida de Goiânia, GO)
The complete list of awards in the various classes of this event will be published by our Disclosure Board soon, on the website: www.cafibbrasil.com, or www.cafib.org.br. And our next event is scheduled for June 23 in the city of Jacareí, São Paulo: the 110th National Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of CAFIB and 6th Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro de Jacareí, organized by Flávio Pires, of Palmares Kennel.