Circular Expo Jacareí 2017 - English
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Another great CAFIB success!!!
The historic city of Jacareí emerged in 1652 as a small Inn for drovers, completed 365 years in April 2017. And two months later, on June 18, CAFIB – Club of Development of Fila Brasileiro – celebrated there the high number of enrollments in the Fourth Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Jacareí, with 54 specimens (of the 57 enrolled, three, for various reasons, could not participate). And, in addition to this large amount of dogs, CAFIB’s judges attending the exhibition shows – both those responsible for the trial, Luciano José de Almeida Gavião (Descalvado, São Paulo) and Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais), and those who also worked on the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament and in the auxiliary functions of the Exhibition: Airton Campbell (São Paulo, SP), Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes (Guaratinguetá, SP), Giovane Éder de Carvalho (Aparecida, SP), Mariana Campbell (São Paulo, SP), Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura (Belo Horizonte, MG) and Pedro Carlos Borotti (Porto Ferreira, SP) - considered that the breeding stock presented also a record in quality.
The organizer of the event was once again CAFIB’s member Flávio Pires, holder of Kennel Palmares. And the site was Agrocentro, an area of 50 hectares (half a million m²) of old Boa Vista Farm, originally focused on dairy farming and, in 2015, acquired by the City’s Rural Union, which, at the time, also celebrated its 50th anniversary. Today, this area is intended to host exhibitions and auctions of animals, in addition to forming and training professionals involved in the agricultural/cattle raising segment. To these excellent facilities was also transferred the traditional FAPIJA - Agricultural/Cattle Raising and Industrial Fair of Jacareí - largest in the sector in the Paraíba Valley, third in the São Paulo state and one of the most important in Brazil, where, for 30 years have been held at the Agricultural School, historic educational establishment opened in 1935, but whose roots date back to the 19th century. FAPIJA, in addition to being a prestigious exhibition, with trial of about 3000 animals, also includes cultural shows, classic equestrian competitions, parade of mule owners, rodeos, artistic shows, horticulture products and stands showing the typical cuisine of the region - in particular the famous “Hillbilly Cake of Jacareí”, with over a century tradition, which, as of 2011, started to be considered the City’s Cultural Heritage. It is an event that welcomes about 500 thousand visitors, generates at least three thousand direct and indirect jobs and moves, directly and indirectly, a business volume on the order of R$30 million. The beautiful Agrocentro headquarters, in typical architectural style of the years 1940/1950, with stone walls, surrounded by spacious and very well preserved gardens, was named “House of Farmer Fábio Meirelles”, as a tribute to the President of FAEST - Federation of Agriculture and Cattle Raising of the State of São Paulo and of SENAR - National Service of Rural Learning. From the charm of its style, it has been very sought after for wedding parties and its excellent facilities with covered track are also perfect to receive canine shows, because they protect the exhibitors and their dogs from strong sun and rain.
In this 4th Exhibition of CAFIB’s in Jacareí, the veterinarian doctor and owner of the Kennel Serra Dourada, Luciano Gavião, judged the males, while the females were under the responsibility of cattle breeder from Kennel Guardiães do Caracu. The latter, informally known as Marquinhos and a member of the latest wave of new judges of CAFIB, made, in Jacareí, his debut in Brazilian tracks, because his first trial had been in Elche (Alicante), in Spain, at the 15th Exhibition of CAFIBE - Club of Friends of the Fila Brasileiro in España, invited by the president of that entity, Jaime Pérez Marhuenda, who also integrates our staff of judges and represents our entity in that country.
For the event in Jacareí we relied on the participation of breeders, exhibitors, admirers and those interested in the breed Fila Brasileiro from 24 cities in three states:
- Goiás: Goiânia.
- Minas Gerais: Aiuruoca, Baependi, Belo Horizonte, Igaratinga, Itanhandu and Patrocínio.
- São Paulo: Aparecida, Biritiba Mirim, Caçapava, Cruzeiro, Descalvado, Guararema, Guaratinguetá, Jacareí, Juquitiba, Mogi das Cruzes, Monte Mor, Porto Ferreira, Santa Branca, São Bernardo do Campo, São Carlos, São José dos Campos e São Paulo.
CAFIB acknowledges and is grateful for the prestige of the attendance of CBKC’s breeders Alberto Hallival and Carlos Sanches, as well as the region's Delegate, Dr. Marcos Sanches, accompanied by his relatives. And one must also highlight the acknowledgement to the sponsors: Marco Polo Store, Presence - Nutrição Animal, and Repamix - Nutrição Animal.
Secretarial jobs were performed by Denise Gavião and Mariana Campbell, while photographs of the specimens evaluated, once again, were under the responsibility of Bruna Frias, from Kennel Aiuruoca, of Aiuruoca (MG); and, to illustrate the articles on the site, as well as the news on Facebook and other communication vehicles, the person in charge of the photos and videos was our Disclosure Director, Cíntia Junqueira de Barros, from Kennel Itanhandu, of Itanhandu (MG). The tests of temperament and nervous system were carried out by the competent professional Rodrigo de Oliveira, from Kennel K9, in São Paulo (SP).
In the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, which preceded the official trial, 9 specimens were enrolled, all approved. And in the Exhibition, winners and those classified received beautiful awards, illustrated with photographs of Filas corresponding to the several categories, attesting to the creativity of the organizer Flávio Pires.
The high quality of dogs attending became evident in the result of the trials. Of the 54 competitors – distributed by classes ofIncentive Puppies (up to 6 months), Puppies (6 to 12 months), Young (12 to 18 months), Young Adults (18 to 24 months) and Adults (over 24 months) - strictly assessed, 24 received, from the judges, the Very Good qualification (Silver Medal). To dispute the prize of Best Head of the Exhibition, nine competitors were selected: 3 females and 6 males. And, in the very tough dispute for the title of Best Temperament of the Exhibition, 14 specimens participated (6 females and 8 males) who had received the Very Good qualification in attack tests during the trial of the classes. The choice of the winner was a very difficult task for the judges, because all competitors showed excellent performance in the tests.
The result of the main classes was the following:
- Best Male: Sultão Recanto do Livramento, from Felício Branco Unello (Kennel Chapéu Preto, from Biritiba-Mirim, SP)
- Best Female: Latifa do Cobaíba, from Henrique Teramoto (Kennel Chácara Teramoto, Juquitiba, SP)
- Best Head: Sultão Recanto do Livramento, from Felício Branco Unello (Kennel Chapéu Preto, from Biritiba-Mirim, SP)
- Best Temperament: Xangô dos Palmares, from Henrique Teramoto (Kennel Chácara Teramoto, from Juquitiba, SP)
- Best Brindle (less than 1 year): Tiger do Itanhandu, from Cíntia and Gerson Junqueira de Barros (Kennel Itanhandu, from Itanhandu, MG)
- Best Brindle (over 1 year): Elba II de Jawa, from Fabiano Nunes (Kennel Jawa, from Guaratinguetá, SP)
Proving the importance of the genetic selection for the achievement of specimens with superior temperament, it is worth mentioning that the winner of this dispute in Jacareí, Xangô dos Palmares, is the son of Baiúca do Balacobaco, classified in second place in that tough competition, and that was followed by his brother in the brood, Bugre do Balacobaco, who took third place. Also attesting to the setting of the mating to combine high performance in temperament with breed beauty, one needs to register that Bugre do Balacobaco received the 2nd prize in the dispute for the Best Head, while Baiúca do Balacobaco - twice Brazilian Champion and twice Champion of the Best Temperament of the Year (in 2015 and 2016) - was considered the third Best Head in this event. Bugre and Baiúca come from solid breeding of our member Ivan Rousseff, holder of the Kennel Balacobaco (Suzano, SP). Also awarded twice, as Best Male and Best Head, Sultão Recanto do Livramento comes from the selection conducted in Cordisburgo (MG) by another member of CAFIB, Leonardo Monteiro.
In view of these excellent results of the 4th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Jacareí, both in quantity and in quality of the animals presented, it is also important to pay attention to the fact that the award-winning dogs are already a result of a few generations of continuous performance of CAFIB in efficient compliance with its basic purpose, specified in the name of our club: the Development of the Fila Brasileiro.
The complete results of the 4th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro Jacareí, with pictures of the top three finishers in each class, will be published shortly on the website of the CAFIB (www.cafib.org.br).
The next exhibition, 3rd exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Três Corações, will be held on August 27 with trial of Américo Cardoso dos Santos Junior and Fabiano Goncalves Nunes.