Circular Expo Jacareí 2018 - English
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5th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro in Jacareí
In the 17th century, in the old Port Authority of São Vicente - in an old drovers’ path that started on the coast of São Paulo to take the explorers in search for the gold of Minas Gerais and of Indians in the backcountry - began the establishment of a humble travelers’ inn that, in 1653, being spun off from the old village of Mogi das Cruzes, came to be called Villa de Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Rio Parahyba de Jacarehy. As it was customary at the time, the foundation was officially marked by the rising of the whipping post (“Pelourinho”), a thick wooden cultivated pole, provided with iron and blade rings, to symbolize authority and justice; and, after that, the local prison was built.
Jacareí officially became a city in 1849 and, since then, has celebrated its anniversary on April 3. In the following year, the facilities of Santa Casa de Misericórdia were made official, today another historical city monument, whose construction was supported by the collection of donations and carried out by the free work of black slaves loaned by wealthy plantation owners. In 1876, the Railroad Station was inaugurated, destined, mainly, to the draining of the coffee production, whose original building was substituted in 1925 and, today, restored, shelters the headquarters of the Fundação Cultural Jacarehy. The city - after the Abolition of Slavery and, in the following year, the Proclamation of the Republic – gradually turned into an important manufacturing region, with former slaves and European and Asian immigrant manpower. Currently, the business activities are performed, mainly, by Syrian and Lebanese descendants, while the agricultural activities are dominated by the Japanese community.
In 2018, on May 20, the city hosted the 5th Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro of Jacareí, as usual, preceded by the Analysis of Phenotype and Temper of the Club of Improvement of the Fila Brasileiro – CAFIB. The event, in the excellent facilities of Agrocentro, which is the Exhibition Park of the Agricultural Union of Jacareí, once more, was organized by CAFIB’s partner, Flávio Pires, owner of the Palmares Kennel, and in this edition, acting as judges of the specimens were Mariana Campbell, who judged the females, and Pedro Carlos Borotti, in charge of judging the males. Also participating in the Analysis and in other functions were the members of CAFIB’s judging staff: Airton Campbell (Parque do Castelo Kennel), Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes (Jawa Kennel), Giovani Éder Florêncio de Carvalho (Itapuã Kennel) and Luciano José de Almeida Gavião (Serra Dourada Kennel), who was also the veterinarian responsible for the event. And, once again, Bete Sayuri Hymn - daughter of Shoji “Jorge” and Marisa Hino, of the traditional Hisama Kennel, in Guarulhos, SP - acted as track assistant. Mariana Campbell, in addition to being in charge of judging the females, also rendered important cooperation to Denise Gavião, in the secretarial activities. And Flávio Pires, organizer of the specimens, accumulated the function of “experiment” in the temper tests.
Thirteen dogs participated in the Analysis of Phenotype and Temper, of which only one failed, due to its disqualifying reaction in the attack tests. For 5th Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro of Jacareí, 55 specimens were registered, of which 51 were on the track. The participants, breeders and audience came from 23 cities of three Brazilian states. São Paulo was represented by Aparecida, Biritiba Mirim, Caçapava, Descalvado, Guararema, Guaratinguetá, Jacareí, Mogi das Cruzes, Paraibuna, Porto Ferreira, Santa Branca, Santa Isabel, Santos, São Bernando do Campo, São Carlos, São José dos Campos and São Paulo. Minas Gerais was represented by participants from Aiuruoca, Campo Belo, Cordisburgo, Igaratinga and Itanhandu. And Goiás, by Aparecida from Goiânia.
CAFIB thanks the sponsorship of ration company Magnus in this 5th Exhibition of Jacareí, whose results in the main classes were the following:
Best Male: Aragon do Itanhandu, owned by Cíntia and Gérson Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG)
Best Female: Honda Flecha IV from BR Santa Luzia, owned by Alessandro Castro Bueno (Aparecida de Goiânia, GO)
Best Temper: Aragon do Itanhandu, owned by Cíntia and Gérson Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG)
Best Head: Aragun dos Palmares, owned by Leonardo Monteiro (Cordisburgo, MG)
Best Brindle (less than 1 year of age): Bel VI Guardiães do Caracu, owned by Wilson Vilela (Campo Belo, MG)
Best Brindle (over 1 year of age): Quizar Recanto do Livramento, owned by Wilson Vilela (Campo Belo, MG)
The Fileiro da Estrada Trophy was also handed over to Alessandro Castro Bueno, who presented, with the aid of his son, 6 Filas, including Honda Flecha IV from the BR Santa Luzia, coming from Aparecida de Goiânia, in the state of Goiás. This award does not consider scores for CAFIB’s annual ranking, which closes its calendar with the delivery of the prizes and titles to the dogs, breeders and exhibitors who were most distinguished throughout the season. The institution of this trophy was an initiative of Thiago Rodrigues Gonçalves, recently deceased and that was our representative in Brasilia (DF), where he organized, with competence and enthusiasm, three CAFIB exhibitions. Thiago was the owner of the Fila Roots Kennel, always very well represented in our events due to his notable Cuba Fila Roots that won the titles of Brazilian Champion and of Temper in years 2013 and 2014. Our homage to this creative and beloved breeder is paid herein.
During this 5th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Jacareí there was a controversy that deserves to be brought up. During the test of temper, exhibitor Wilson Vilela presented his Fila, Quizar Recanto do Livramento, which violently moved forward against the “experiment”, pulling out its protection glove and, in the heat of the action, continued to bite it instead of turning again toward that which had attacked it. This situation, although relatively common due to the typical impetus of the breed, is not desirable because, evidently, the animal must concentrate itself on those who provoke it and not on the glove already pulled out. Wilson, to “draw” the attention of Quizar, touched, with the tip of his foot, the crupper of the dog that immediately released the glove and again tried to bite the “experiment”. It is clear that CAFIB, in addition to not tolerating violence against the animals, values the attack of the Fila directed to those who provoke it (wearing a glove, rod, chair or any other instrument) and not against an inanimate object. However, unfortunately, there the professional slanderers always show up, those that demand that the courtship to a pretty young woman must be punished as a violent rape attempt. They are strange creatures, who seem to feel pleasure with other people's misfortune and, that, when children, liked to whistle blow pranks of the smaller siblings to the mother and those of the school-mates to the teacher. And that, after adults, are unrestrainedly compelled to stop the car when they come across a road accident and join the crowd, that, in spite of the cut-to-the-heart expression, remain watching, in ecstasy the pain of the agonizing victims and the spectacle of mutilated corpses. They are further the same ones that poisonously comment the video of the attack of Quizar Recanto do Livramento and cry for the crucification of Wilson Vilela, as if he had lambasted and crushed and beaten his dog wildly with hard blows. And, of course the members of other associations of breeders of the breed join the vultures on duty, eager to feed on the misfortunes that revigorate them and ready to distill their poison against everything and everybody. Well now, CAFIB knows perfectly that Wilson and his daughter, Raphaela Vilela, are breeders who love the activity to which they have been dedicating themselves for more than 30 years, that consider their breeding as a hobby because they do not live off it and that dwell at the site where they personally take care of their around 50 Filas, preparing their ration and walking them daily. CAFIB supports the weighed attitude of judge Pedro Borotti who, while not awarding the dog in the class of male adults, considers that, with this, exhibitor Wilson has already been duly punished and brought the matter to a closure.
And, continuing to expand borders, our next event will be the 1st Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of CAFIB in Teresina (PI), on June 16.