Circular Expo Jacareí 2019 - English
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110th National Exhibition of Brazilian Fila
6th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro de Jacareí
Founded almost 400 years ago in the Paraíba do Sul River basin, the city of Jacareí has as one of its highlights the installation of the first handmade carpets from Brazil. Made with knots, in the Persian style, they were seen in residences of the Brazilian elite and in government palaces, even in other countries. The old building that housed the "Saint Helena Carpets Manufacture" was registered in 1990 by Condephaat - Council for the Defense of Historical, Archaeological, Artistic and Tourist Heritage of the State of São Paulo. But since, at that time, the Register of Cultural Goods of Intangible Nature had not yet been created, when "Manufacture" closed its doors in 1991, the technical knowledge of how to make these so-called "knotted" carpets remained only in the memory of those old weavers. Currently, research work is dedicated to gathering historical materials and people familiar with the technique, in order to rescue this traditional know-how. It was portrayed by companies Jequitibá Cultural and Vento de Maio - with a financial contribution from CCR Nova Dutra, the Incentive Law to Culture and with the support of the Jacarehy Cultural Foundation - which produced the documentary "Weaving Memories".
Among the cast of curiosities of the city are some characteristic and folkloric types, such as the drunk "Baque-Duro", the transvestite "Maísa" and, mainly, the one-legged guitar player known all over the population as "Tinguera" a nickname, which he considered an insult. His real name was Justino Ribeiro de Oliveira, and, as he proclaimed himself as the town's sheriff, he always wore a wooden star on his battered jacket, as a badge of his "authority." The story of how this legendary character had his left leg amputated is controversial and he did not like to address it, but it seems certain that it was severed by a locomotive. An instrumentalist and composer, he never separated from his guitar in his relentless walk, leaning on the crutch, through the center of the city, causing laughter in some and admiration in others. He used to curse, chase, and throw stones at the punks that amused themselves at provoking him, calling him by the nickname he could not bear to hear. He played guitar on the benches of the squares surrounded by the people who constituted his auditorium; and fed himself basically with bread and water, although sometimes neighbors and friends brought him coffee and pasta (his favorite dish). Occasionally, of course, he would also shower against his will; they gave him a bath and shaved his beard and hair. He inspired many plastic artists, musicians and maestros and was immortalized as a character of the Jacarean culture. His personality encouraged the institution of the "Master Live Culture Prize" and he was honored by the Jacarehy Cultural Foundation José Maria de Abreu with the project "VivaTinguera". The Foundation also promoted the exhibition "Jacareí - Tons da Minha Terra", showing various paintings with local characters as theme; and one of these canvases, depicting the guitar player, adorns the mayor's office. The plastic artist Edna Cassal is the author of the documentary "Seu Justino, the Riparian de Jacareí - The True Story of Tinguera", a 45-minute feature, made up of testimonies and an animation entitled "Tinguera, Violeiro Errante." After his death, many inhabitants of the city began to report that in the street where he lived people still heard the cadenced sound of his crutch echoing along the sidewalk.
Moving from these curiosities to the breeding of animals, the city was distinguished by the promotion of FAPIJA - Agricultural and Industrial Fair of Jacareí, one of the most important in the state and traditionally promoted by the Rural Union, in the Agricultural School, for three decades. As a result of a controversial lawsuit filed by the Public Prosecutor's Office, alleging that the event disturbed the neighborhood, the 30th edition of the Fair in 2012 was suspended "for abusive execution of sound noises until dawn." It is estimated that the loss resulting from this decision was R$ 30 million, in addition to eliminating the temporary work of 2 thousand people. On the other hand, the residents of the contiguous houses complained about not being able to sleep due to the loud noise promoted at the party, in addition to complaining of intrusions and acts of vandalism in their homes, by those who wanted to enter the park without paying the ticket. With this, the Union acquired a farm with 500 thousand m², in the neighborhood of Jardim Colônia, in order to install its headquarters there, to establish the Agrocentro and to resume the realization of FAPIJA.
And it was in this area that CAFIB - Fila Brasileiro Enhancement Club- held, on June 23, the 110th National Exhibition of the Brazilian CAFIB Fila and 6th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Jacareí. As usual in this city, the event was organized by Flávio Pires, from Canil Palmares, and in this year of 2019, this show became part of the 1st CAFIB World Championship, which began in April in Itanhandu (MG).
The CAFIB Exhibition Regulations specify that the National Exhibitions must be judged by two judges, and although one usually judges the males and the other, the females, for the first time, both - Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono (Guaratinguetá, SP) and Giovane Éder de Carvalho (Aparecida, SP) - evaluated, together, all specimens, regardless of sex. As acting judges, in the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, which preceded the Exhibition, the members of the CAFIB Referee Board: Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr. (Vargem Grande Paulista, SP), Fabiano Nunes (Guaratinguetá, SP), Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira (Nova Serrana, MG) and Mariana Campbell (São Paulo, SP). Seventeen specimens were analyzed, 15 of which were approved and two were disapproved for disqualifying reactions in the temperament and nervous system tests. Joaquim Liberato Barroso (Valença, RJ) worked as an assistant runner and also in the secretariat, along with Mariana Campbell - who was also the veterinarian responsible for the event. In this secretarial work, Quinzinho and Mariana were assisted by Cleide Cocito Cardoso dos Santos (Vargem Grande Paulista, SP). The photographs and videos were in charge of Cíntia Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG) and Bete Sayuri Hino (Guarulhos, SP). The "extra" in the tests of attack, to test temperament and nervous system, was, again, the competent Juliano de Paula Dias (Itanhandu, MG).
A welcome surprise was the arrival in the secretariat of a young couple, looking for members of the old school of CAFIB to congratulate us for the continuity of this work of genetic improvement, unprecedented in Brazilian cinofilia. The boy, nice, and (obviously) holding a cell phone, went on to display his impressive collection of photographs of our club's history. He showed the gallery of the great Filas of older times, the images of all the covers of the bulletin "O Fila" and many Certificates that, in the early 1980's, were given to the participating exhibitors, with the classifications and qualifications of the dogs, several of them signed by judges of the past, such as Paulo Santos Cruz, Antônio Silva Lima, Luciano Cruz de Oliveira. And the feeling of nostalgia, brought about by the images of longing friends, began to merge with that of melancholic surprise when we realized the intensity of the changes that the decades passing causes in each one. In that succession of snapshots, today's venerable lords - before the snow of time had dyed their hair and beards in white - stood frozen in acrobatic positions, in a remarkable display of agility and courage in acting on the attack tests.
This enthusiastic young man introduced himself as Ricardo Balbino and recalled that his father, still very young, was already helping his grandfather, Olivier Balbino, owner of the Pico da Neblina Kennel, to introduce his dogs to CAFIB's tracks. Recalling the faded memory of a slender gentleman with gray hair and goatee, wearing short boots, we remember that his farm dog, Lothar, had been approved in the first Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, which we carried out in August 1979 in the capital of São Paulo , with the presence of 113 registered specimens; and that his bitch, Quirita do Querequexê, received 1st place in the Young Females class during the 1st CAFIB National Exhibition, judged by Paulo Santos Cruz, in June 1980, at Água Branca Park, in São Paulo. In May 1981, Olivier Balbino began to collaborate more effectively with us, in organizing the 1st Phenotype and Temperament Analysis of CAFIB Fila Brasileiro, in Suzano, in Great São Paulo. We thanked, sensitized, for the presence and commitment of young Ricardo Balbino and revered the memory of his grandfather, the late Olivier Balbino.
Returning to the present, and to the 6th CAFIB Fila Brasileiro Exhibition in Jacareí, 74 specimens were enrolled and 71 were on track, a record number for the city. Of these, 9 bridled (12.67%) disputed the Trophy Chico Peltier instituted to encourage the appearance of Filas with that coat in two categories: over 1 year old and less than 1 year old. For the dispute of Best Head of the Exhibition 11 specimens were pre-selected (3 males and 8 females) and 14 for the Best Temperament of the Exhibition (6 males and 8 females).
The highlight was the Adult Female class, in an impressive combination of quantity and quality, with the presence of 18 well-structured, typical matrices, showing excellent movement and excellent reactions in the attack tests.
CAFIB registers and thanks the presence of the director of the Institute of Zootechnics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Alexandre Herculano, and the exhibitors, breeders and enthusiasts of the Fila Brasileiro breed of the states of Goiás (Aparecida de Goiânia) (Brazil), Minas Gerais (Campo Belo, Cordisburgo, Itanhandu and Nova Serrana), Rio de Janeiro (Seropédica and Valença), São Paulo (Aparecida, Biritiba Mirim, Bragança Paulista, Cruzeiro, Guararema, Guaratinguetá, Guarulhos, Jacareí, Paraibuna, São Bernardo do Campo, São Carlos, São José dos Campos, São Paulo and Vargem Grande Paulista), totaling 22 cities, with emphasis on the state of São Paulo, represented by 14 municipalities.
The FILEIRO DA ESTRADA Trophy, destined for the exhibitor who came from farther, was granted to Alessandro Castro Bueno, who came all the way from Aparecida de Goiânia (GO). And the winners of the main awards were:
BEST MALE:Major V Guardiães do Caracu, by Wilson Vilella (Campo Belo, MG)
BEST FEMALE:Ballerina of Boca Negra, by Felipe Medeiros (Cruzeiro, SP)
BEST HEAD :Marruá V Guardiães do Caracu, by Wilson Vilella (Campo Belo, MG)
BEST TEMPERAMENT:Lyoto Fila Roots, by Alessandro Castro Bueno (Aparecida de Goiânia, GO)
The full list of prizes, in the various classes of this 6th Jacareí Exhibition, accompanied by the photos of the three best placed in each one, will be published by our Disclosure Board soon, on the site: www.cafibbrasil.com, or www.cafib.org.br. And the next stage of this 1st CAFIB Brazilian Fila World Championship will be held in the capital of Piauí: the 2nd Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Teresina, once again organized by Léo de Souza Lima, owner of the Itapi Kennel, with the collaboration of Gorthon Lima Moritz, from Canil Recanto Moriá and, this year, also assisted by Vitor Abreu de Souza, partner of Léo in the Itapi Kennel, and Aluísio Mello Filho, of the Realengo Kennel.