Circular Expo Pará de Minas 2019 - English
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21st CAFIB's Fila Brasileiro Exhibition in Pará de Minas (MG)
It has already become commonplace to start these circular letters by extolling the continued and increasingly impressive growth of CAFIB, always breaking successive records. And although we have traditionally valued quality over quantity, we cannot but be proud of the 96-entry mark at this 2 nd CAFIB Brazilian Fila Exhibition in Pará de Minas, held on August 18, 2019 in CAFIB's Francisco Olivé Diniz Parque de Exposição do Fila Brasileiro; The confirmation of the phrase stamped on our logo, “Fila é CAFIB”, is clear when it is found that other entities specializing in the breed are closing their activities or canceling their exhibitions as a result of not reaching the minimum number of entries required to perform such exhibitions. And when they can do it, the few specimens on the track are so heterogeneous that they seem to belong to several different breeds.
CAFIB's has been forcing us to reformulate some of our rules and adopt a more rigid organization and schedules, in order to speed up the secretarial work and prevent the Exhibitions from extending late into the night, which causes great discomfort. and wear to the dogs, exhibitors, organizers and the stakeholders. During the event in Pará de Minas, in the Phenotype and Temperament Analysis that, as usual, precedes the Exhibition, 21 specimens were assessed, of which 19 were approved and two were rejected for disqualifying reaction in temperament tests. Then, the Exhibition only started at 02,00 pm, and the last class to be judged - Puppies - entered on the track at 10,00 pm, causing the event to extend until 00:30 am, Monday, which led to the withdrawal of 11 entries, resulting in “only” 85 Filas in the competition. As a curiosity, of these, 12 were brindles.
The organization, once again excellent, as last year's, was under the charge of Wesley Souza Antunes (Caboclo Kennel, in Igaratinga, MG) and Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira (Guardiães do Caracu Kennel, in Nova Serrana, MG). Luciano José de Almeida Gavião (Serra Dourada Kennel, Descalvado, SP), judged the males, while females were judged by Pedro Carlos Borotti (Embaré Kennel, in Porto Ferreira, SP). The following were the assistant judges of the CAFIB Referee Panel: Jaime Pérez Marhuenda (Acaboclado Kennel in Alicante, Spain), Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono (Guaratinguetá, SP), Marcus Flavio Vilasboas Moreira, Mariana Campbell (Parque do Castelo Kennel in So Paulo, SP) and Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura (Uirassu Kennel, in Belo Horizonte, MG). In addition, working as tracks assistants were Bete Sayuri Hino (Hisama Kennel in Guarulhos, SP) and José Mario Rojas Ocampo (El Isidreño Kennel in Alajuela, Costa Rica), who, on this trip came, once again, accompanied by his wife, Ligia Chaves Rodriguez. The secretarial work was performed by Denise Gavião, Mariana Campbell and Rosely Campbell, while Bete Hino and the Spanish couple Elvira and Jaime Pérez Marhuenda took charge of the photographs.
In addition to these distinguished international visitors from Spain and Costa Rica, CAFIB also highlights and is grateful for the presence of Cindy and Juan Carlos Hernandez, who came from New Jersey in the United States. Among Brazilians, we really appreciate the presence of Minas Gerais enthusiasts (Araxá, Belo Horizonte, Betim, Bom Jesus da Penha, Campo Belo, Capim Branco, Caranaiba, Cordisburgo, Ibirité, Igarapé, Igaratinga, Itauna, Lagoa Santa, Nova Serrana, Pará de Minas, Passos, Pompeu, Santa Quiteria, Roças Novas, Sao José da Lapa, São Tomé das Letras and Três Corações), from São Paulo (Biritiba Mirim, Descalvado, Guaratinguetá Guarulhos, Porto Ferreira and São Paulo), and Goiás (Aparecida de Goiânia and Goiânia). With that, we proudly accounted for representatives from 28 cities, from three states of Brazil, in addition to the foreigners, coming from three other countries.
CAFIB is honored by the attendance of a delegation from UNIFILA - Fila Brasileiro Breeders and Selectors Union, an entity started in 1995 and currently chaired by Átila Luiz Branquinho Dias, holder of Barão dos Filas Kennel, in São Tomé das Letras, MG, and who for years has participated in our Exhibitions. He, along with Pedro Yuri Ramos Avellar da Silva (Pyra Kennel) and Marcus Vilasboas Moreira, have made up the group of organizers of our exhibitions in Três Corações, MG. UNIFILA, which adopt the CAFIB standard and pursue the same objectives, now under Attila's command, has resumed the holding of its events, having promoted, in Belo Horizonte, MG, its 13 th Exhibition, on June 9, judged by Geraldo Senra Barbosa and Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura, and having already scheduled for October 6 his 14 th Exhibition, in Formiga, MG, to be judged by Giovane Éder Carvalho and Joaquim Liberato Barroso.
In this 2 nd CAFIB Exhibition in Pará de Minas, it is noteworthy that Wesley, besides having been one of the organizers of the show, was the one who had the initiative to illustrate his poster with a photograph of the Brazilian CAFIB Champion in 1986, the excellent Fada do Ibituruna, bred and owned by our representative in Governador Valadares, doctor Paulo Fernando Soares Angotti. Besides, it was up to our Disclosure Director, dentist Cíntia Mota Mendes Junqueira de Barros - responsible for designing all the posters of the CAFIB Exhibitions - the great idea of stamping, next to the photo of Fada, that of our Brazilian Champion. 2016, Kratos from Itanhandu. Although 30 years separate the old black and white image of the 1986 Champion from the recent color photo of the 2016 Champion, this couple has a remarkable homogeneity of phenotype and typicality, attesting to the firmness of principles and selection criteria we have followed, unchanged, since the beginning of our work.
Under the judgment of Luciano and Pedro, and with the Temperament tests conducted by Jaime, Elmo and Claudio Rufino, FSD Leão de Chácara Kennel, the main awards were:
Jagunço, from Recanto do Livramento, owned by Leonardo Monteiro (Cordisburgo, MG)
Xauana Guardiães do Caracu, owned by José Wilson Vilela (Campo Belo, MG)
Lyoto Fila Roots, owned by Alessandro Castro Bueno (Aparecida de Goiânia, GO)
Lyoto Fila Roots, owned by Alessandro Castro Bueno (Aparecida de Goiânia, GO)
The choice of the Best Exposure Head was disputed by 16 competitors and that of the Best Exposure Temperament by 17 pre-selected dogs.
We underscore and appreciate the attendance of important breeders who, in addition to following the judgments, also participated in the delivery of the awards: Mr. and Mrs. Cristóvão Giancotti (Tabayara Kennel, in Belo Horizonte, MG); Antônio Novaes (Aldeia dos Tigres Kennel, in Goiânia, GO); Attila Luiz Branquinho Dias (Barão dos Filas Kennel, in São Tomé das Letras, MG); Olegário Bretas Ferreira (São José da Lapa Kennel, in Belo Horizonte, MG); Elmo Fonseca Lopes (B&L Kennel in Belo Horizonte, MG); Paulo Reis J. (Rastro da Onça Kennel, in Pará de Minas, MG); José Lindolfo Queiroz Barreiro (Córrego da Mata Kennel, in Belo Horizonte, MG); Hudson Luiz Sena (Filas Beira da Mata Kennel, in Lagoa Santa, MG); Plínio Veiga (Filas Forte Kennel, in Lagoa Santa, MG); Milton Cheib (Von Cheibs Kennel in Belo Horizonte, MG).
CAFIB and the organizers of this 2 nd Fila Brasileiro Exhibition in Pará de Minas are also grateful for the sponsorship of “QUATREE Rations”, manufactured by the paraminense “Nutrisantos Animal Feed”.
The complete result of this Exhibition, accompanied by the photos of the event, and that of the top three in each class, and the partial result of the 2019 World Championship are already published on the websites: www.cafibbrasil.com and www.cafib.org.br.
The city of Valença, in Rio de Janeiro, will host the next stage of CAFIB's 2019 World Championship. Scheduled for September 14 (Saturday), the 5 th CAFIB Brazilian Fila Exhibition will be judged by Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr. (Araguaya Kennel, in Vargem Grande Paulista, SP) and Giovani Éder Florêncio Carvalho (Itapuã Kennel, in Aparecida, SP).
Next stages of the World Championship:
23/11/2019 – 16th Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro CAFIB in Spain - Alicante. Judge: Jaime Pérez Marhuenda.
01/12/2019 - 111th National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro and 34th Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro CAFIB of Guaratinguetá. Judges: Airton Campbell and Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr.