Circular Expo Três Corações 2018 - English
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4th Exhibition of CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro in Três Corações (MG)
Now, on this August 19, 2018, we return once again to Três Corações, perpetuated as the birth place of “King” Pelé, the greatest soccer player of all times and considered the "Athlete of the Century" worldwide.
Little remains to be told about this town, originally named Rio Verde because it lies on the basin of this river. Later, it became, successively, Porto Real, Passagem do Rio Verde, Aplicação do Rio Verde and Três Corações do Rio Verde, until its territory was broken up as a Campaign to become a municipality in 1884 and, as of 1923, had its name reduced to, simply, Três Corações. It is located in the region of the Royal Road (Estrada Real), a major tourist route more than 1,600 kilometers long, built in the 17th century by the Portuguese Crown and constituted by the paths that crossed the States of Minas Gerais and São Paulo to take gold and diamonds to the ports of Rio de Janeiro. In order to maintain the tradition of the record of curiosities, we recall that, in the municipality of Três Corações - located in the state of "coffee with milk", since its main activities are coffee-growing and dairy production – vineyard Estrada Real launched, in 2010, the "First Syrah Road " (Primeira Estrada Syrah), considered the first fine wine from the Minas Gerais lands, generally considered very dry and hot for winemaking.
This 4th Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, followed by CAFIB’s Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro in Três Corações (MG), once again had as stage the Exhibition Park Vale do Rio Verde, an area donated to City Hall, more than 50 years ago, by the town’s Rural Union. And, again, the organization of the event was under the responsibility of Átila Luis Branquinho Dias (Barão dos Filas Kennel), Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira (Guardiães do Caracu Kennel) and Pedro Yuri Ramos Avelar da Silva (Pyra Kennel). The show was judged by Luciano José de Almeida Gavião (Descalvado, São Paulo), in charge of the females, and by Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais), who assessed the males. CAFIB’s judges also acted as auxiliary judges: Fabiano Nunes (Guaratinguetá, SP), Giovane Éder Carvalho (Aparecida, SP), Marcos Flávio Vilasboas Moreira (Belo Horizonte, MG) and Pedro Borotti (Porto Ferreira, SP). In addition, as a track assistant to Judge Paulo Augusto, the always enthusiastic attorney José Mário Rojas Ocampo, owner (with his wife Lígia Chaves Rodrigues) of El Isidreño Kennel, who, once again, came from Costa Rica to honor us with their prestigious presence. They live in the historic city of Alajuela, the second largest in Costa Rica and used to be the capital of the country. Known as the "land of mangoes," this province is lavish in natural beauty and richness, highlighting its active volcanoes offering spectacular views of beautiful panoramas, in addition to the impressive night vision of its colorful eruptions and lava rivers. A curiosity about Costa Rica is its large number of gentile adjectives. There, they usually call themselves costa-ricenses, and here, in Brazil, we use, mainly, costa-riquenho; but the Houaiss Dictionary also registers: costariquenho, costarriquense, costa-riquense, costa-ricense and costarricense.
In the case of Três Corações, CAFIB registers and is grateful for the important presence of breeders, exhibitors, admirers of the breed and collaborators in the various roles, coming from 32 cities of three Brazilian States: Minas Gerais (Aiuruoca, Belo Horizonte, Campo Belo, Coqueiral, Cordisburgo, Curvelo, Igaratinga, Itanhandu, Guaxupé, Nepomuceno, Nova Serrana, São José da Lapa, São Tomé das Letras, Três Corações and Varginha); São Paulo (Aparecida, Biritiba Mirim, Descalvado, Guaratinguetá, Porto Ferreira and São Paulo); and Goiás (Aparecida de Goiânia).
The clerical works were performed, with the usual efficiency, by the threesome Denise Gavião (Descalvado, São Paulo), Mariana and Rosely Campbell (both from São Paulo, capital). The registration of images, in photographs and videos, was done by our disclosure director, Cíntia Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG). Luciano Gavião, in addition to judging the females, was also the veterinarian in charge; and Giovane Carvalho, besides acting in the analyses, was also responsible for the temperament and nervous system tests.
The number of Filas present was very expressive; of the 66 registered dogs, 63 attended on the track. For the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, there were 17 specimens, all of them approved. And, in addition to this approval, the high quality of the stock was attested by the large number of dogs selected for the choice of the Best Head of the Exhibition (17 Filas) and the Better Temper of the Exhibition (11 Filas).
The main results were:
BEST MALE: Aragon of Itanhandu, by Cíntia e Gérson Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG)
BEST Female: Luana Recanto do Livramento, by Leonardo Monteiro (Cordisburgo, MG)
BEST TEMPERAMENT: Aragon of Itanhandu, by Cíntia e Gérson Junqueira de Barros (Itanhandu, MG)
BEST HEAD: Luana Recanto do Livramento, by Leonardo Monteiro (Cordisburgo, MG)
BEST BRINDLE (less than 1 year of age): Bela V Guardiães do Caracu, by Wilson Vilela (Campo Belo, MG)
BEST BRINDLE (over 1 year of age): Quizar Recanto do Livramento, by José Wilson Vilela (Campo Belo, MG)
An unheard of piece of information that drew attention and it is worth recording, is that all of these winners, in addition to the first ones ranked in each judged class, are dogs belonging to breeders and/or exhibitors of the State of Minas Gerais, the cradle of the Fila Brasileiro breed, attesting to the correct selection criteria adopted by Minas Gerais breeders.
In our next event there will be the 1st Exhibition of CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro in Pará de Minas (MG), to be judged by Jaime Pérez Marhuenda, from Alicante, Spain, owner of the Acaboclado Kennel. In addition to having been a part of the board of directors of the Club Español de los Molosos de Arena, since the 90’s, and to been a consecrated dog-enthusiast, being an old representative of CAFIB in Spain and member of our judges staff, Jaime is also founder and chairman of CAFIBE - Club de Amigos del Fila Brasileiro en España, which acts for the benefit of the genetic improvement of the breed and to fight miscegenation.
The complete results of the 4th Exhibition of CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro in Três Corações (MG) will be published soon by our Disclosure Board, on the site: www.cafibbrasil.com, or www.cafib.org.