Circular of the 97th National Exhibition and 6th Porto Ferreira Exhibition
The São Paulo municipality of Porto Ferreira hosted, in on November 30, CAFIB’s - Clube de Aprimoramento do Fila Brasileiro - 8th event of 2014, closing with gold key, the calendar of its 36th year of uninterrupted activities in favor of the genetic improvement of the breed.
The exhibition, which was the 97th National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro and 6th Fila Brasileiro Exhibition of Porto Ferreira, was organized by the breeder, judge and director of CAFIB, Pedro Carlos Borotti, assisted by veterinarians Luciano Gavião, Elisiane Borotti and Fábio Vitoretti. The event was scheduled to be held at the Association of Canoeiros, but due to rain - always welcome at these times of prolonged drought - it had to be transferred to a covered area next to the old train station. These pretty installations, carefully restored and in expansion phase, today shelter the Secretariat of Tourism of the city and constituted excellent place for the accomplishment of the exposition.
Because we were dealing with a National Exhibition, the judgment was lead by two judges specialized in the Fila Brasileiro breed. Jaime Perez Marhuenda - president of the CAFIB (Club de Amigos del Fila Brasileiro en España) - judged the males and the veterinarian Mariana Campbell judged the females. The two judges, together, chose the Best Head and the Best Temperament of the Exhibition.
The responsible veterinarian was Luciano José de Almeida Gavião and the works at the secretariat were in charge of the veterinarians Cleide M. Cocito Cardoso dos Santos and Denise Gavião. They acted as assistant judges, both in the analyses, and in track support, Airton Campbell, Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr. and Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono. In the tests of temperament and nervous system, the actor was the experienced Czech breeder and professional, Jerry Trias, who already worked with dogs of several breed in the police of the Czech Republic and came to Brazil to visit diverse CAFIB breeders and kennels and to participate of the exhibitor of Porto Ferreira. At this time, he accepted CAFIB’s invitation to be its new representative in the Czech Republic.
In the Phenotype and Temperament Analysis, nine dogs were present, of which seven were approved. The two rejected dogs presented imperfections in temperament and nervous system. The Exhibition counted on 36 samples, which represents a significant increase of 22% in relation to the exhibition last year.
Between the present public and the expositors, representative of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco and Federal District attended, coming from the cities of Aparecida, Caieiras, Cruzeiros, Descalvado, Guaratinguetá, Jacareí, Jarinu, Monte Mor, Porto Ferreira, Promissão, São Bernardo do Campo, São José do Rio Preto, São Manual, São Paulo, Vargem Grande Paulista, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Itanhandu, Patrocíno, Uberlândia, Recife, Taquatinga, Gama and Brasilia, beyond a breeder from Mexico (Mr. Oscar Sanchez) and the already mentioned participants from Spain and the Czech Republic.
The sponsorship was by Rações Farmina, represented by Eduardo Teixeira and his efficient staff, providing great support to the event and offering bags of feed to the winning animals.
CAFIB’s Board of Directors