Guaratinguetá 2021 English
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112ª Exposição Nacional do Fila Brasileiro do CAFIB
34ª Exposição do Fila Brasileiro do CAFIB em Guaratinguetá
The global pandemic of COVID-19 – an infection caused by the coronavirus that started in China in late 2019 and was identified in early 2020, having been responsible for millions of deaths around the world – evidently entailed countless actions, in the most diverse countries, to restrict the advance of the disease. With this, CAFIB - Clube de Aprimoramento (Improvement Club) of Fila Brasileiro canceled the exhibition scheduled for April 5, 2020 in Itanhandu (MG), which would open our calendar, in addition to suspending, throughout last year and throughout 2021, the performance of their Phenotype and Temperament Analyses followed by Exhibitions. Our last event had been the CAFIB's 111th Fila Brasileiro National Exhibition and the 4th Cruzeiro Fila Brasileiro Exhibition, held on December 8, 2019, when we closed the 1st CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro World Championship.
However, the decrease in the occurrence of new cases, due to the great advance in vaccination rates, which has been returning to the routine in many sectors, and has us to respond to numerous requests for us to resume our activities. The place chosen for the reopening of our calendar, which kicks off the 2nd World Championship of CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro, was the historic Tourist Resort of Guaratinguetá, in the Paraíba Valley, due to its strategic position between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in addition to being close to the south of Minas Gerais, thus facilitating the access of exhibitors from these three very expressive states in the breeding of the Fila Brasileiro. Another great advantage offered by the municipality – which prides itself on being the birthplace of the Patron Saint of Brazil, Nossa Senhora Aparecida , and of the first Brazilian saint, Frei Galvão (1739-1822) – is the excellent facility offered by the traditional Manoel Soares de Azevedo Exhibition Hall, on the banks of Via Dutra, whose large covered area, with very high ceilings and well ventilated, having bathrooms and a cafeteria, is also used for parties, musical shows and agricultural exhibitions. With such privileges, this is the Brazilian city that has hosted the largest number of events of our club and where, in 2015, during the 30th Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Guaratinguetá, we celebrated the historic milestone of our 100th National Exhibition of the CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro. It was also there that, in 2018, we ended the celebrations for our 40th anniversary.
As a curiosity, I open parentheses when remembering that Guaratinguetá also cultivates important gastronomic-cultural traditions, such as the Gastronomic Festival of Rice in Colônia do Piaguí, promoted by the City Hall in partnership with the Círculo Italiano de Guaratinguetá, and, during the winter, the Festival of Trout of Gomeral, a rural neighborhood located in the Federal Environmental Protection Area on the slope of Serra da Mantiqueira, at an altitude of 1,900 meters, on the border with Campos do Jordão. At this festive event, which gathers up to 12 thousand people, also with the support of the City Hall, among several other delicacies, fish made in stone in a wood stove are served. Trout originates from the northern hemisphere and, in Brazil, was introduced in the late 1940’s, when the first eggs arrived here, imported from Denmark. It is a fish that demands clean, good quality water and prefers rivers and streams in mountainous regions, with temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius.
And, with the support of the City Hall, this city in São Paulo, on December 5, 2021, was the stage for our resumption of activities by hosting the 112th National Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro Breed of CAFIB and the 34th National Exhibition of Guaratinguetá, an event that opens our Calendar and Championship 2021/2022. As usual, the exhibition was preceded by the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, which was attended by 17 specimens, of which 14 were approved and three failed due to a disqualifying reaction during the temperament tests. The Exhibition relied on 31 Filas on the track and the judgments were under the charge of Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr. (Canil Araguaya), who evaluated the males, and Giovani Éder Florêncio de Carvalho (Canil Itapuã), who took care of the females.
CAFIB’s directors and judges, exhibitors, breeders and breed enthusiasts present at the event came from 24 cities in four federative units: São Paulo (Aparecida, Biritiba Mirim, Caçapava, Guararema, Guaratinguetá, Guarulhos, Jacareí, Lorena, Paraibuna, São Carlos, São José dos Campos, São Paulo and Vargem Grande Paulista); Minas Gerais (Aiuruoca, Belo Horizonte, Governador Valadares, Itanhandu, Passa Quatro and Três Corações); Rio de Janeiro (Macaé, Rio de Janeiro and Quatis); Goiás (Aparecida de Goiânia and Goiânia).
The main results of this 112th National Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro Breed of CAFIB and 34th National Exhibition of Guaratinguetá, opening the 2nd World Championship of CAFIB ‘s Fila Brasileiro were:
BEST MALE: Dunga do Itanhandu, owned by Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes (Guaratinguetá, SP).
BEST FEMALE: Marruá V Guardiães do Caracu, owned by Átila Luís Branquinho Dias (Três Corações, MG).
BEST TEMPERAMENT: Marruá V Guardiães do Caracu,
BEST HEAD: Ay-Mhoré Barão dos Filas, owned by Átila Luís Branquinho Dias (Três Corações, MG).
BEST BRINDLE (less than 1 year old): Connor Jardim da Lapa, owned by Marcos Abrão B de Melo (Governador Valadares, MG).
BEST BRINDLE (over 1 year old): Marruá Beira da Mata, owned by Felício B Unello (Biritiba Mirim, SP).
As always, CAFIB counted on the commitment of many people to achieve the success of this event. We are grateful for the important contributions of Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono, the main individual in charge for promoting the Exhibition; Cleide Maria Cocito Cardoso dos Santos, who served as secretary; Benedito (Benê) José de Lima Neto, for his support and general assistance; José Luiz Barbosa, administrator of the facilities; Juliano de Paula Dias and his son Pedro Henrique Ribeiro Rabelo, for their competent performance in temperament tests; the traditional trio of the cafeteria Benedito Santos Alves de Oliveira, Henriqueta Maria Alves de Oliveira and Douglas Henrique Alves de Oliveira. Benedito, considering his nickname “Pelé” very common, at the time he had a bar in the neighborhood of Pedreira, to differentiate himself from the others, decided to be called “Dito Pelé”, as he is still known wherever he goes. These three, who in 2006 were elected the Kings of the São Benedito Festival, have been making, since 2008, an already traditional “community café”, with material collected at various events held throughout the year, and which serves 1,500 to 2,000 people . It is served next to the Church of Puríssimo Coração de Maria, inaugurated in 1924, near the Grotto of Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, considered one of the seven wonders of the city. It was built in 1921 by Monsignor João Filippo who, for this purpose, traveled to France, from where he brought some stones from the Grotto of Massabiele, in the city of Lourdes, the place where Our Lady appeared in 1858 to Saint Bernadette. A well-known legend in the region goes on that, during a strong storm, a lightning strike that was going to fall on the Orphanage Nossa Senhora de Lourdes had its direction deviated to the hand of the statue of the Saint, preventing the orphans from being hit. By the way, the aforementioned Bairro do Gomeral is also part of this list of the seven wonders of the Tourist Resort of Guaratinguetá, chosen by popular vote (a Project that became Law). There, the well-known theater, movie theater and television actor Walmor Chagas (1930-2013) acquired a rural area in which he started to live and where he installed a farm hotel with the intention of building a large arena theater there to host an Open Air World Festival Theater. The idea did not come out of the project and the actor, who, depressed and almost blind, lived as a hermit for many years, ended up there committing suicide by shooting himself in the head. A curiosity is that these seven wonders actually became eight because one was added later. The eighth, also of a religious nature, is the Cavalry of São Gonçalo and São Benedito, a tradition that began in 1768 with a large participation of black slaves.
In our Exhibition, in addition to the participation of exhibitors, we also register and thank the presence of everyone who, even without bringing dogs, did us the honor of their attendance. We feel prestigious to welcome our friends, breeders and fans of Filas Brasileiros: Allan S. Dahan (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), Antônio Silva Novaes (Goiânia, GO), Flávio Pires (Jacareí, SP), Guderman Lopes Batista (Caçapava, SP), Guilherme Ferreira (Lorena, SP), Jefferson Felipe Castro Reis (São José dos Campos, SP), Luciana Guerin (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), Túlio Marco Castro Barreto (Macaé, RJ), Wolney Almeida Santos (Guaratinguetá, SP), Warllei Thales (Guaratinguetá, SP). We were also touched by the always infallible presence of Marisa and Shoji (Jorge) Hino, traditional and award-winning breeders from Guarulhos, Greater São Paulo, accompanied by their daughter Beth, who is in the process of preparing to join the CAFIB panel of judges. This friendly couple, who began to assiduously participate in our exhibitions in 1984, is the owner of the renowned Canil Hisama, a word formed by the joining of the first syllables of the Japanese name of their three children: HI, from Hideki (known as Renato), SA, from Sayuri (known as Beth) and MA, from Mayumi (known as Kátia). The Hino family, who continues to attend our events with Japanese discipline, had a brilliant career on the tracks, winning several Brazilian Championships with specimens of their own breeding or acquired from other kennels. In addition, several dogs with the Hisama affix, owned by other owners, have also won several CAFIB Exhibitions and produced prize-winning offsprings. And we also highlight the visit, also already traditional, of the young Emílio, son of our late Sebastião Pereira Monteiro, tireless judge and extremely active in all our activities, to the point of having been called “CAFIB's tractor.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and healthy 2022, without COVID, we await all Fila enthusiasts in early April for CAFIB's 113th Fila Brasileiro National Exhibition and Itanhandu's 13th Fila Brasileiro Exhibition.