2015 Exposition Schedule
In the year 2015, CAFIB - Club for the Improvement of the Fila Brasileiro - that shall complete 37 years of activities, working uninterruptedly in favor of the Fila Brasileiro breed, having been the only dog entity responsible for rescuing it from extinction, preserving and improving this Brazilian breed - shall hold its 100th NATIONAL EXPOSITION.
Its Board of Directors has chosen, by general agreement, the São Paulo municipality of Guaratinguetá to host this important and commemorative Exposition, for several reasons: Guaratinguetá is the city that held the highest number of CAFIB’s events in these 36 years, totaling 28 expositions, always under the command of our beloved director, judge and professor Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono, who, in the first years, was assisted by the unforgettable Sebastião Pereira Monteiro Jr. Another reason is its privileged geographic position, because it is located in Vale do Paraíba, between the two largest Brazilian cities, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, in addition to being near the south of Minas Gerais, the cradle of the Fila Brasileiro breed.
Due to the great success of the five expositions held in 2014, with a significant growth of the order of 50% in the enrollments and participation, as well as a large increase of attending public and breeders, not only from Brazil but also from abroad, in addition to members of other clubs of Fila Brasileiro breeders, the CAFIB’s Board of Directors decided to keep the five annual expositions in Brazil, which in 2015 will be the following:
- April 12 - 98th National Exposition and 8th Expo. of Itanhandu (MG)
- May 17 - 3rd Exposition of Brasilia (DF)
- June 28 - 99th National Exposition and 7th Expo. of Porto Ferreira (SP)
- August 23 - 2nd Exposition of Belo Horizonte (MG)
- November 29 - 100th National Exposition and 29th Expo. of Guaratinguetá (SP)
CAFIB’s Hundredth National Exposition shall deserve a very special and differentiated treatment for its commemoration. It shall be judged, in an unusual way, by six judges, who shall act in the following way: The number 1 judge shall judge the Puppies class, The number 2 judge, the New class, The number 3 judge, the Young class, The number 4 judge, the Adult class, The number 5 judge shall choose the Best Male of the Exposition, The number 6 judge shall choose the Best Female of the Exposition, and Numbers 5 and 6, together, shall choose the Best Head of the Exposition and the Best Temperament of the Exposition.
In addition to the five expositions to be held in Brazil, we shall also have two analyses organized by our representatives: Analysis in Salvador - Bahia, organized by Dr, João Nunes in June, and Analysis in Natal - Rio Grande do Norte, organized by Raimundo Nonato in October.
The expositions abroad shall be as follows:
- May 24 - 1st Exposition of Fila Brasileiro, CAFIB in Venezuela –
judge Pedro Carlos Borotti - June 13 - 1st Exposition of Fila Brasileiro, CAFIB in Poland -
judge Jaime Pérez Marhuenda - October 10 - 14th Exposition of CAFIBE, Málaga/Spain –
judges Luciano Gavião and Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura - October - 9th CAFIB Expo – USA
As dear and longed for Dr. Paulo Santos Cruz would say: “In short, this is what we intend to do.”
CAFIB - Board of Directors