2018 CAFIB Montevideo Announcement - English
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South American Championship
3rd Phenotype and Temperament Analysis of CAFIB in Uruguay
2nd Exhibition of Fila Brasileira of CAFIB in Uruguay
CAFIB – The Fila Brasileiro Improvement Club was founded in 1978 and, since then, has been expanding its intense and uninterrupted work in benefit of the genetic improvement of the breed throughout Brazil and in several other countries. In 2018, when we celebrate our 40th anniversary, the Exhibition Calendar includes another international event: the 3rd Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament of CAFIB and the 2nd Exhibition of CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro in Uruguay, on November 3, with the judgments under Mariana Campbell and Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono. The site, for the third consecutive time, will be the Departamiento de Canelones, close to the capital, Montevideo, in the pleasant and traditional property called La Chacra Lacrosse, belonging to Raúl Jude Gurmendes, breeder of Filas for more than 30 years. And the organizers of the exhibits will be, once again, the always enthusiastic Uruguayan Daniel Ferries – owner of the Piedras de Afilar Kennel, established in the 94’s in Canelones, and as usual, assisted by his entire family – along with his traditional Brazilian partner, Carlos Eduardo “Pipico” Gonçalves – of the Borghetto Kennel, in Pinheiro Machado, Rio Grande do Sul.
In 2016, during our first performance on Uruguayan lands, we hit the record of registrations in Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament held outside Brazil, with the attendance of 49 Filas, of which 44 were approved. It is worth mentioning that the other five were disapproved due to the disqualifying reaction in the temperament and nervous system tests, certifying the high level of typicality and structure of the local stock. In 2017, there came 21 more specimens to be analyzed, which reached, for the first time, the surprising approval rating of 100%. And then we hit a new record of entries in the CAFIB Exhibition outside Brazil, with 43 dogs on the track, distributed by the 10 classes being judged.
Another unprecedented fact was that from last year, the Filas from Uruguay and Argentina attending our Exhibitions, as well as their breeders and exhibitors, also scoring points for the several modes of the CAFIB’s Brazilian Championship. So, given the suggestion of our associate Flávio Pires, of the Palmares Kennel, in Jacareí (SP), the Board decided that, starting this year, it will be named the CAFIB South American Championship. At the Guaratinguetá Exhibition (SP), which traditionally closes our Annual Calendar, and where the scores are calculated for the delivery of the several titles, now, in 2018, in addition to the traditional trophies for the Year's Breeder, Year’s Exhibitor, the Temperament of the Year, the Male and Female Breeder of the Year, we will also reward the:
South American Male and Female Champion, as well as the Vice-South American Male and Female Champion of the year.
With that, CAFIB intends to solidify its international expansion and encourage the attendance of Brazilian representatives in its Analyses and Exhibitions held in other countries, as well as those of foreigners held in our territory.