Itanhandu 2016 - New Judges
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In the history of the Fila Brasileiro, the State of Minas Gerais is often cited as the birthplace of the breed; and, in our country, so often accused of lacking memory, CAFIB, respectfully, has been cultivating the work of pioneers, responsible for preserving our national dog. It was especially in Southern Minas, in cities such as Varginha, Itanhandu, Carmo de Minas, Três Corações, Lavras and so many others, that pioneer Paulo Santos Cruz prospected the first samples that, taken to Santos, on São Paulo coast, gave rise to the legendary Parnapuan Kennel and ended up making the breed officially recognized in the international arena. In October 1981, our newsletter “O Fila” announced the historical meeting of CAFIB's Breed Master, Paulo Santos Cruz, with two of those old breeders, Zé Gomes (José Gomes de Oliveira), of Varginha, and Pedrinho do Engenho (Pedro Ribeiro Junqueira de Souza), of Carmo de Minas, during the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, followed by the First Exhibition of Varginha's Fila Brasileiro, sponsored by our local representative, José Hamilton Alves Pereira, of Aguenta Sol Kennel.
And that was the historic scenario - in the municipality of Itanhandu, on the old farm of Cíntia and Gerson Junqueira de Barros (he, great-nephew of Pedrinho do Engenho) during CAFIB’s 101st National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro of Itanhandu, which opened our official schedule for 2016 -, that three traditional breeders started to be part of the select Staff of CAFIB Judges.
Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes, Giovani Éder Florêncio de Carvalho and Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira - after studying the CAFIB Standard of Fila Brasileiro and the Breeding and Exhibition Regulations of the Club for a long time and following our Phenotype and Temperament Analyses and our Exhibitions for years, as track helpers -, finally in the course of days 9th and 10th of April, rendered the examinations (written, oral and practical) to achieve this status. On Saturday, the review board - composed by Américo Cardoso dos Santos Junior, Airton Campbell and Mariana Campbel - did the theoretical tests; and on Sunday, during the Phenotype and Temperament Analysis, each candidate analyzed three samples officially evaluated by three different judges. Then, the review board met and, after comparing the analyses made by Fabiano, Giovani and Marcus Flávio, with official evaluations carried out by CAFIB judges, besides discussing the written and oral tests, concluded that the three were able to be part of our Staff of Judges.
Integrating this real “elite squad” – consisting of 29 members, in Brazil and in other countries – is reason for great pride for any fan of the Fila Brasileiro, and CAFIB is also proud to rely now on these three excellent breeders, who should contribute a lot to our breed genetic improvement work. Journalist Luiz Antônio Maciel, founder, director and judge of CAFIB, points out that, to integrate this Staff, one must know the Fila Brasileiro in-depth, accept and respect the philosophy and regulations of the Club, have a lot of practical capacity to assess, compare and choose the best samples and, above all, wear and sweat the shirt of this team of ours.
The following is a brief breeding curriculum of the new judges:
FABIANO GONÇALVES NUNES began his conviviality with the Fila Brasileiro when he was 11 years old, in 1987, when his father, Walter Nunes, founded the Jawa Kennel in Guaratinguetá (SP). In 1991, this breeding had already achieved the 4th rank as the Breeder of the Year in CAFIB’s ranking. In 1992, in addition to winning the trophy of Breeder of the Year, it also won the trophy of Temperament of the Year, with Fada of Jawa. In 1993, 1994 and 1995 it won the Temperament of the Year, with Jawa’s Infant, and three of its dogs were given the rare and prized qualification “Excellent”, which corresponds to CAFIB’s Gold Medal. Andra of Jawa, Hércules of Jawa and Infant of Jawa. Also part of the winning stock: Achara of Jawa, Aron of Jawa, Atenas of Jawa, Axé of Jawa, Buana of Jawa, Chara of Jawa, Condor of Jawa, Garbosa of Jawa, Garboso of Jawa, Hindu of Jawa, Luana of Jawa, Mantra of Jawa and Tila of Jawa. In 1997, with the death of his father, Fabiano took over the kennel, continuing the ten years’ work for the improvement of the breed. Counting on the important support of his wife, Siliana, he continued to select the Fila Brasileiro and produce high-quality samples, such as Colina of Jawa, Condor II of Jawa, Forte of Jawa, Gorda of Jawa, Ira of Jawa, Leão of Jawa, Sula of Jawa and Zimbo of Jawa. He also incorporated to his stock samples coming from the traditional Ibituruna Kennel of Dr. Paulo Angotti, in Governador Valadares (MG). Among these are Bogus of Ibituruna, Braúna of Ibituruna, Lampião of Ibituruna, Viena of Ibituruna and Vulcão II of Ibituruna.
GIOVANI ÉDER FLORÊNCIO DE CARVALHO – Born in the city of Cristina, Minas in 1959, he has been living for many years in the São Paulo municipality of Aparecida. He acquired his first Filas in early 1980’s at Fazenda Campo Redondo, in Carmo de Minas (MG) and, in 1987; the first puppy was born in his breeding. Chane, examined and approved the following year, in the first Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro of Guaratinguetá, sponsored by CAFIB. In 1992, in partnership with his friend Genoí Faria, he registered the Cunhatã Kennel, which, in CAFIB’s ranking that year, already reached the 10th place. In 1993, he started Itapuã Kennel and in the following year, he won the trophy of Exhibitor of the Year. In 1995, in addition to winning again the title of Exhibitor of the Year, he was also 2nd place in Breeder of the Year. The series of conquests followed in 1996 ranking, when he accumulated the titles of Breeder of the Year and Exhibitor of the Year, in “twin set” with his dog Elo of Itapuã, who was Brazilian Champion and Temperament of the Year. In 1997, he was again the Breeder of the Year while his dog Jaguar of Itapuã conquered the Brazilian Champion and Temperament of the Year titles, obtained in the previous year by Elo of Itapuã that, this time, was in second place in these two awards. In 1998, for the third consecutive year, he won the award for Breeder of the Year, taking the second place as the Exhibitor of the Year, while Jaguar of Itapuã repeated the feat of the previous championship, as Brazilian Champion and Temperament of the Year. It is worth quoting, as other highlights of this breeder and exhibitor, the dogs Baruco of Itapuã, Chandoque of Itapuã, Etna of Itapuã, Eva of Itapuã, Forte of Itapuã, Galileu of Itapuã, Grantchai of Itapuã, Heron of Itapuã, Ita of Itapuã, Fama of Hisama, Nero of Ibituruna and Princesa of Jawa. Due to the highlight as traditional and award-winning breeder and exhibitor of CAFIB, in 2004, Giovani, accepting the invitation made by the Board of Directors of Unifila - Union of Breeders and Selectors of the Fila Brasileiro, judged the annual exhibition of that entity.
MARCUS FLÁVIO VEITCH MOREIRA - Born in Belo Horizonte – capital of Minas Gerais - in 1977, is business manager and rancher, an activity which follows his work of genetic improvement of cattle Caracu, started many years ago by his father. Hence the name of his Kennel – Guardiães of Caracu - located in Nova Serrana (MG), where he began the careful selection of the Fila Brasileiro in 1998. But his familiarity with the breed had already started in 1984, when, at seven years of age, his father gave him puppy Yanga of Jaguara, from the traditional breeding of William Chalmers. Marcus Flávio’s work of morphological and functional selection gained momentum from the acquisition of samples bred by Antônio Carlos Linhares Borges, of Caramonã Kennel, judiciously mated with dogs approved by CAFIB, entity which he joined in 2003 - when he presented his Orquídiea da Voz do Vento at the first Exhibition of Itanhandu, winning the awards for Best Female and Best Temperament – and of which he soon became official tester of litters in the region of Belo Horizonte. Currently, among samples of his kennel and in partnership with other breeders, Marcus Flávio has more than 30 Filas. In addition to his extensive experience as a breeder and exhibitor, he also has great experience in the administration of breeding entities, having been a founding partner of Unifila, at which, in addition to judge, he was also President and Technical Director.
CAFIB – Club for the Improvement of Fila Brasileiro, since 1978 in uninterrupted work of genetic breed improvement, in the international arena, is pleased to greet the three new judges and wish them a lot of success in their activities.