Notice - Half Fonseca Marassi English
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To members, friends and supporters of CAFIB
Mr. Half Fonseca Marassi, From Canil Alto Quatis, sent, on last July 31, after having widely disclosed through Facebook, an electronic message to CAFIB of the following content (respected the spelling and the capital and small letters of the original text):
“Canil Alto Quatis, due to not agreeing to the POSTURE AND ATTITUDES of some people who today are part of the Board of this Club, comes officially to communicate its dismissal from the Club, of which was a member for ‘20 Years’.”
CAFIB considers that any member has the right assured by Article 5, section XX, of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, not to be a member of an institution: “nobody may be compelled to associate or remain associated”. Therefore, Mr. Half Fonseca Marassi is in his right to dismiss from the Club, especially because he does not agree with some of its current Directors.
In turn, CAFIB, based on its by-laws, also has the right to define who can be a member and who should be removed from the Club.
Having said that, we clarify that on August 24, 2014, Mr. Half Marassi organized the 14th Quatis CAFIB Exposition, during which it was announced that, as a tribute to his effort in the performance of this considerable number of samples, the 15th Quatis CAFIB Exposition, in 2015 would also be considered National. He proved to be enthusiastic, in spite of the difficulties, and even proposed the transfer of the exhibition in 2015 from August, a very warm month in Quatis, to May, with milder temperature. At that time, he was interested in taking the examination for judge and forwarded information requests to CAFIB’s Secretary. He was also invited to be CAFIB’s representative in Quatis/Rio de Janeiro, which, he initially accepted.
Some time later, for CAFIB’s Board’s surprise, which had not been notified of his decision, he became a member of another entity and even became its representative in Quatis. Exactly an organization that has, among its founders, boards and a few judges that participated in CAFIB during years or decades, holding positions in the board and even in the chair, but who had had no initiative to propose changes in the Club. These are the same that now accuse CAFIB not to have performed these alleged innovations, as a pretext to create a new entity, although they had been empowered and had the time (around 15 years) to perform the changes they deemed required.
On the contrary, when these directors transferred CAFIB’s command to a new team, according to the Club’s legal procedures, the new board tried to correct a series of irregularities committed especially in the organization and judgment of exhibitions and registration of broods, reconducting the Club toward the traditional rigidness with which it has always been recognized. This has generated dissatisfaction that was amplified by antagonism with other breeders who started to stand out and in the exhibitors and by a mistaken judgment of a dog that reached international repercussion. It is the case of the famous Tigre - Golias, in which a dog was analyzed from photographs, by an old judge and director, who, unconsoled with the negative repercussion or his analysis mistakes, demanded the punishment and dismissal of a few members of the new board, which was followed by some former directors and judges. A broad debate was held internally among members of the new board and also with those old directors, but at the end, the request was not accepted by CAFIB. As a result of this decision, those old directors and judges resigned from the Club, in which they were accepted.
But the most serious event was yet to come. When they went away, these directors who asked to be dismissed, caused serious damages to CAFIB, by appropriating themselves of a large part of its properties and assets, such as the old site with all its data content and management program, documentation (37 years of history and club memory), records (more than 5 thousand analyses, exhibitions, championship data, identification maps of the brood), thousands of photographs and the collection with hundreds of samples of “O Fila” newspaper, among others. A collection of high monetary and sentimental value, which called for work, dedication and resources on the part of a group of supporters of the pure Fila Brasileiro in the last 37 years.
After almost 37 years of fraternal conviviality, taken by uncontrolled rage, these former directors try to stain CAFIB, in an attempt to build a new entity on imaginary wreckage of the old Club, which, however, will go on living and doing the work it has always done in favor of the pure Fila Brasileiro.
Throughout its history, CAFIB has faced powerful adversaries, but has always survived and come out stronger in adversity. We are prepared, with technical base, sobriety, strict rules and a history of defense of the Fila Brasileiro, to face these and other eventual assaults, especially when they come from those who have seized its material and imaterial assets and want to build a club on moddy land. A bad beginning, which will be permanently registered in its DNA.
So, Mr. Half Fonseca Marassi decided to side this group has lost, based on the By-Laws, the condition of member, breeder and member of the Fiscal Council, in the Board of Directors elected for the period 2013/2015, being already replaced at the time by Elisiane Borotti.
By making this extemporaneous communication of dismissal, certainly instigated by third parties, who previously had already used the same argument, to be withdrawn as a result of not agreeing with “the posture and attitudes” of members of the current board of CAFIB, Mr. Half Marassi defines whose side he is on, although he does not know “the half of it”, as we used to say in the old days, and is almost one year late. When he associates himself to another entity that denigrates and wants to destroy CAFIB, he is no longer a member of our Club, because he fails to comply with the By-Laws, as per decision of the Board at that time.
The Board of Directors
Note.: To know the members of CAFIB Board of Directors, who signs this note, access site www.cafibbrasil.com , click on top of the page on “O CAFIB” and then on the word BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The club decisions are always made in a collegiate way, based on debates and exchange of ideas and aiming at, in the first place, what is more important for the Fila Brasileiro.