Official CAFIB report on Jan Kubesa's and Onceiro Club's positioning
This Positioning starts with a photo of Jan Kubesa accompanied by two Filas. To start an official text of a club like this seems a very strange and curious. Perhaps it is a common practice in Eastern Europe or Central Europe which Brazilians are not used. It reminds us a common attitude of the personality cult, as used in the former Soviet Union and today in North Korea, China and Cuba.
In this Positioning Jan Kubesa always informs very superficially, vague, without consistency and without any proof:
Item 1 of this Positioning:
1.1. According to "...Information available for a long time ..." CAFIB has no "... acted in favor of the fila brasileiro” and that CAFIB “.... has been acting against (their) ethical principles ... ". So, we asked: why Jan Kubesa forgot to inform and prove with facts to Onceiro Club members what "information" would be these and demonstrate the reasons why CAFIB comes not acting "on behalf of the fila brasileiro" and disregarding CAFIB`s "ethical principles"? Why Jan Kubesa forgot to prove this superficial claim with true facts?
1.2. That "apparently ... (it was) the reason the ex-presidents and directors resigned from CAFIB". Why Jan Kubesa not inform what reasons might be and why he omitted tendentiously from the Onceiro Club members the 18 points presented by CAFIB in its Official Report and Chronology(*) dated Jul, 5th 2014 which shows with plenty of evidence and so clearly why these former directors left CAFIB? Or were forced to resign from CAFIB? Why Jan Kubesa withhold this information from Onceiro Club members, most of which only communicates in Czech? Does Jan Kubesa would fear that Onceiro Club members would have a free and own knowledge, and thus, independent and different from the ones pre-defined and determined from him? How can Jan Kubesa irresponsibly try to justify such a serious matter based only on a simple "...apparently...".?
Item 2 of this Positioning:
That "... CAFIB failed in its obligations by not delivering Certificates of Analyses recognized by CAFIB in September/2013". Why Jan Kubesa did not informed the Onceiro Club members that: (i) the preparation and delivery of these certificates dated Sep/13, was responsibility and obligation precisely of the CAFIB former Secretary, Tenisson Cavalvante, who only resigned from CAFIB last Feb, 6th 2014? (ii) that the new CAFIB General Secretary only assumed this role and functions in late May/2014? and (iii) that the former directors did not transfer to CAFIB, among other assets: ownership of the old site, its password, the CAFIB computer program used to run our system and not reported to CAFIB the list of members who have paid the annual fee of 2014 ? That the formers directors did not presented to CAFIB any accountability - and, very important, without these tools of computing, it becomes very difficult and cause a big delay to update this documentation, which was outdated when received from former CAFIB Secretary Tenisson Cavalcante, who seems to be the president of this new club being founded and to which the Club Onceiro is preferring to join?
Item 3 of this Positioning:
Because the fact that the very respected founder, director, judge and writer of CAFIB, Americo Cardoso, could not judge at this year's Club Onceiro exposition, Jan Kubesa finally finds incongruously that despite having received by email from the President of the CAFIB the replacement of this judge by two other very famous CAFIB judges - Luciano Gavião President and Mariana Campbell, General Secretary - Jan Kubesa choose unilaterally and definitively the former CAFIB director Fernando Zanetti, who is just the leader of the former directors who resigned irrevocably from CAFIB on Nov, 11th 2013 I.e., on CAFIB understanding when Jan Kubesa decided for a former CAFIB judge, made clear his decision, backed up by a General Assembly of Onceiro Club, as we were informed by him, to support the former directors and a new club. Since Fernando Zanetti is no longer a CAFIB judge we do not know based in which Standard and Rules such exhibition will be organized and will be judged, since the Club Onceiro no longer has the seal of CAFIB. But this is a matter of concern only to Club Onceiro members and Fila exhibitors at this upcoming exhibition. CAFIB here feels obliged to register to all breeders as stated in our Official Report and Chronology(*) that CAFIB is studying legal measures to prohibit any club or people to illegally use all assets and equity of the CAFIB working system, among others: our judgment system, the Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament, our Standard developed in 1978, our 10 Commandments, programs and computing systems, etc..
The remaining items in this Positioning do not concern to CAFIB, being unique and exclusive Onceiro Club decisions and its General Assembly, on which CAFIB prefers not to comment.
CAFIB is very sorry that the Onceiro Club has preferred to join former directors of CAFIB, who resigned without returning to CAFIB its assets and equity. Among them: our old website and its possession, password and computer management program; accountability without having paid cash values due to CAFIB (only Caico Amaral deposit a value but do not know if this is the correct value); without having passed the list of members who have paid the annual fee for the year 2014; without having returned in numerous documents, photos, hundreds of copies of the newspaper "The FILA" and two microchips.
Do Onceiro Club members know that without these computer tools CAFIB faces great difficulty in issuing documents and pedigrees? Especially documents from last year which, as stated above, was responsibility of former Secretary Tenisson Cavalvante?
And also know that CAFIB will have to do this job for some time manually? And this will require from current CAFIB Secretariat hard work and time? Why Jan Kubesa did not informed the Club Onceiro members this important information demonstrating the wrong way to act and behave of these former CAFIB directors? After all, they not only act against CAFIB but also against the Fila Brasileiro?
Who is actually acting against the Fila Brasileiro? CAFIB or Onceiro Club, Jan Kubesa and former directors of CAFIB that will organize a new club?
The Onceiro Club members know that these former directors will establish a new club, but there are more than four months showed only a web page "under construction" and have not yet released its Standard, Rules, Statutes, Breeding Philosophy, championships and its score, information about Temperament Test, the issuing of pedigrees and how its judgments will be handled and other activities related to a Fila breed club?
The Onceiro Club members understand that these former directors clearly tried since the beginning of this year derail and suffocate CAFIB and that Jan Kubesa preferred transfer Onceiro Club to this new club, towards an unknown adventure? A club that begins with these principles and behavior can be believed and followed?
CAFIB really cannot understand why Onceiro Club members chose to embark on this new adventure. As CAFIB cannot understand why Jan Kubesa omitted the facts and the above information and mainly the important ones contained in our Official Report and Chronology from the Onceiro Club members.
(*) To read the CAFIB Official Report and Chronology dated Jul, 5th - 2014, which explains in great detail and in English the output of these former directors of CAFIB since October 2011 and the serious damages caused by them to CAFIB and the Fila Brasileiro, just click http://www.cafibbrasil.com/leitor_not/items/cafib-official-report-to-owners-and-breeders-of-fila-brasileiro-in-brazil-and-abroad.html. If you wish to receive this communication in Czech just respond in English to the CAFIB email (cafibbrasil@uol.com.br): "Yes, I wish to receive this document from CAFIB in Czech". If the number of Onceiro Club members is reasonable CAFIB agrees to engage the translation of this 6 page document into Czech and send to you guys.
Finally CAFIB requests Jan Kubesa and Club Onceiro to withdraw from its website the CAFIB logo. This logo mark should have been replaced by the new club logo which is being organized by former directors of CAFIB. But notice that this new club logo uses illegally partial of CAFIB's logo mark, which was designed to CAFIB in 1978, so cannot be used under penalty of infraction of the Brazilian industrial property law.
CAFIB takes this opportunity to wish good luck to Onceiro Club and all its members. CAFIB can only thanks the support received from Onceiro Club and its members in the last 14 years, waiting for this club to continue its work in order to preserve the PURE Fila Brasileiro.
Note: this translation to Czech was made by Martina Cermakova. recommended by the Czech Consulate of the City of São Paulo.
São Paulo, July 23rd - 2014
Board of CAFIB