Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura and Francisco Peltier de Queiroz, CAFIB judges
The board of CAFIB - Club of Improvement of Fila Brasileiro, in this year of 2015, starts to count on one more member endowed with long experience in the evaluation and improvement of the breed. Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura from Minas Gerais - graduated in Economic Sciences and Business Administration from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, with a master's degree in Rural Economics from the Universidade Federal de Viçosa –, in addition to traditional breeder of Fila Brasileiro in his Uirassu Kennel, has been acting for decades as judge and organizer of specialized exhibitions and symposiums, director of breeding clubs and author of articles published in various agencies of the written press and on the web. His vast experience in the judgment of the Fila includes countries of North America and Europe, where he has also been standing out as competent lecturer.
CAFIB also honors, with the title of “Honoris Cause” Judge, foreign trade executive Francisco Peltier de Queiroz, from Rio de Janeiro, known as Chico Peltier. This dog breeder was the first breeder of Filas to raise the flag of the fight against mix-breeding, which threatened to extinguish the breed, when he perceived, in its Cafibra Kennel, the large heterogeneity of the puppies that, in the beginning of years 1970, he had acquired to start his breeding stock. Outraged – in addition to denouncing the fraud with vehemence, publishing articles in various press agencies, where he also advocated the reopening of the Initial Record -, he was the first to look for the “all rounder” lawyer and judge Paulo Santos Cruz, at that time, away from dog breeding, with the purpose of taking the necessary steps to fight cross-breeding, especially with English Mastiff, Neapolitan Mastin and German Dog, which then seriously threatened the survival of the Pure Fila Brasileiro. On account of his untiring fight in defense of the pureness of the breed, the columnist Pablo Godinho, of Jornal do Brasil, conferred to him, in 1976, the title of “Dog Breeder of the Year”. In 1977, Chico founded in the United States the Fila Brasileiro Club of America and, in 1978, in Europe, began his contacts with Christopher Habig, Director of Club fur Molosser, editor of the German magazine "Molosser Magazin" and also a passionate fighter of mix-breeding. From all this persistence, CAFIB emerged - Commission of Improvement of the Fila Brasileiro, later changed into CAFIB - Club of Improvement of the Fila Brasileiro. Because he was mainly responsible for this initiative, Chico had already been honored, in 2008, with the title of “Father of CAFIB”, but the board of the club considers that, because he was also, in practice, the first to perform analyses of phenotype and temperament - even if informally, at his own Cafibra Kennel, approving a few samples and discarding others -, it is fair and necessary to grant him this title of honorary judge.
The board of CAFIB warmly expresses its compliments and gratefulness to these valuable dog breeders to whom the Fila Brasileiro breed owes so much, for its survival and genetic improvement.