Retrospectiva Cafib 2016 - English
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In 2016, Cafib held 6 exhibitions, with the participation of 218 pure filas, had a big event in Uruguay and analyzed 121 dogs.
CAFIB managed, in 2016, to maintain performances in exhibitions and Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament (AFT) stable, as compared with the previous year, despite the serious economic and political problems in Brazil, with the reduction in the activity of important business sectors, rising unemployment and decrease in the income of a large portion of Brazilians. Breeders, exhibitors and people interested in the Fila Brasileiro breed also experienced first-hand the reflex of the situation of the country. Nevertheless, old breeders attended the CAFIB events and there was the addition of new exhibitors and breeders.
The Analyses of Phenotype and Temperament, which always precede the exhibitions of the Club, including the first AFT held in Uruguay, relied on judges from the CAFIB to examine 121 dogs, of which 115 Brazilian Filas were approved and only 6 failed. Considering the joint exhibitions, national and local, and an international exhibition, in Spain, six exhibitions were performed throughout the year, with enrollments of 231 dogs, of which 218 went into the track.
In 2016, CAFIB held exams for new judges, which resulted in the addition of three new arbitrators to the official staff. It also created the CAFIB TV on the Club’s page on Facebook, with lectures on the breed and testimoies of personalities linked to the CAFIB pure Fila Brasileiro.
Internationally, in addition to the Analyses in Uruguay and the XV Expofila CAFIBE, organized by the Club de Amigos Del Fila Brasileiro en España (CAFIBE), three representatives of CAFIB in Italy founded CAFIBI - Club per la tutela del puro Fila Brasileiro and designed a beautiful site and also a very nice page on Facebook. The virtual magazine Modern Molosser also published an extensive article on the pure Fila Brasileiro and CAFIB's work. In Brazil, the specialized magazine Cães & Cla. published reports about the Fila Brasileiro, CAFIB and the result of two exhibitions of the Club.
The three joint exhibitions, national and local, and the two exclusively local exhibitions performed in 2016 were as follows:
101st National Exhibition of Fila Brasileiro (9th Itanhandu Exhibition) on April 10, judged by Airton Campbell and Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr.
102nd National Exhibitio of the Fila Brasileiro (8th Exhibition of Porto Ferreira), on June 10, judged by Mariana Campbell and Giovane Éder Carvalho.
2nd Exhibition of Três Corações, on August 27, judged by Paulo Augusto Monteiro de Moura and Pedro Carlos Borotti.
3rd Exhibition of Jacareí, on October 16, judged by Jonas Tadeu Iacavantuono and Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes Iacovantuono.
103rd National Exhibition of the Fila Brasileiro (31st Exhibition of Guaratinguetá), judged by Airton Campbell and Luciano José de Almeida Gavião.
During last year’s National, the best Temperament of the Exhibition was chosen by all the judges present, repeating the success held in the 100th national, held at the end of 2015.
Judges Airton, Américo, Fabiano, Giovani, Jonas, Luciano, Mariana and Peltier received spreadsheets with the names of the finalist dogs with Very Good and Good qualifications at the exhibition, and gave scores, from 1 to 10, which were added to choose the winner.
After the last exhibition of the year, the points for the final result of the Brazilian Championships of 2016 were computed. These were the results:
Brazilian Champion of 2016 - Kratos of Itanhandu
Brazilian Champion of 2016 - Baiúca do Balacobaco
Temperament of the year 2016 – Baiúca do Balacobaco
Breeder of 2016 - Itanhandu Kennel
Exhibitor of the Year of 2016 - Cintia and Gerson Ribeiro Junqueira de Barros
Male Breeder of the year 2016 - Umiri of Itanhandu, from Cintia and Gerson
Female Breeder of the year 2016 - Filó do Itanhandu, from Marisa and Ivan Russef, from Balacobaco Kennel, city of Suzano.
We published photos of breeders of the year because they did not participate in exhibitions and had no photos published in CAFIB’s site, unlike the Brazilian champions of the year.
The breeders add the scores received by their descendants.
2016 Breeders are parents of Baiuca do Balacobaco.
One day before the exhibition in the city of Itanhandu, judges underwent tests. The Review Board was composed of Airton Campbell, Américo Cardoso dos Santos Jr. and Mariana Campbell. Three candidates did the tests and were approved: Fabiano Gonçalves Nunes, Giovani Éder Carvalho and Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira.
The CAFIB TV was launched in 2016 on CAFIB’s Facebook page, conceived and carried out by Cintia, the Disclosure Director. The debut was with the airing of a lecture by the judge and director Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono, who, being a professor, finds it easy to communicate and has a didactic approach and excellent diction. Jonas then became, by inborn vocation, the official presenter of the CAFIB TV.
The lectures were divided into chapters. There have already been aired testimonies from the following personalities connected to Fila Brasileiro and CAFIB: Américo, Peltier, Ines Van Damme and Jaime Pérez Marhuenda.
For convenience of the members, breeders, admirers and fans of the Brazilian Fila, CAFIB created a new address (www.cafib.org.br) for access to the club's official website. The old address (www.cafibbrasil.com) still applies.
CAFIBI - At the beginning of 2016, CAFIB's representatives in Italy, Aniello Aliberti, of Rome, Marco Fantoni, of Cuneo, and Luigi Fiorinelli, of Turin, three Italian passionate about Fila, put into practice an idea they had in 2008 and founded the CAFIBI - Club per la tutela del puro Fila Brasileiro.
CAFIBI's Board is formed by Aniello, president, Marco, secretary, and Luigi, treasurer. They have also produced a beautiful site (www.cafibi.it), with many articles and photos, all very nice and with amazingly good taste. Aniello, especially, is very active on Facebook and discloses news and articles from CAFIB and the Pure Fila Brasileiro throughout the world.
The Fila breed and CAFIB have a lot to thank for the three Italians.
CAFIBE – Clube de Amigos Del Fila Brasileiro en España held, on October 8, the XV EXPOFILA CAFIBE, in the city of Elche (Alicante), under the supervision of its President, Judge Jaime Pérez Marhuenda.
This exhibition was judged by CAFIB’s judge Marcus Flávio Vilasboas Moreira and the final result was the following:
Best Male – Lampião de Puerta Oscura
Best Female – Presidenta de la Sangre Azul
Best Temperament - Lampião de Puerta Oscura
Best head – Maguary do Embaré
Best in Show - Lampião de Puerta Oscura
The first Analysis of Phenotype and Temperament held in Montevideo, in Uruguay, was organized by our partner and breeder Daniel Balsas, owner of Canil Piedras de Aafilar, and by Carlos Eduardo Gonçalves, of Canil Borgheto, in Porto Alegre.
The judges invited for the analysis were Américo Cardoso dos Santos Junior and Luciano José de Almeida Gavião. Daniel's prediction was that there would be approximately 50 dogs for analysis. On the initiative of Cintia and Gerson, who were also present in the analyses, Jonas and Giovane traveled to collaborate with the two judges. Daniel's prediction was confirmed and 49 dogs were analyzed, with an approval of 44, almost 90%, which attests to the quality and distinctiveness of the breeding stock of Filas in Uruguay.
Also attending, to do the secretarial work, was Cleide, Américo’s wife, and Denise, Luciano’wife. Eight directors from CAFIB attended the event and made the great success possible, which was the first analysis in Uruguay.
Chico Peltier, who, as a result of his work, on his site and on the blog of Uncle Chico that can be accessed by addresses: www.filabrasileirochicopeltier.com.br and filabrasileirochicopeltierblog.wordpress.com, is very well known, not only in Brazil, but internationally as well. As a result, he was approached by Denise Flaim, editor of the online American magazine Modern Molosser, to publish a story on the Fila Brasileiro breed. This magazine, unlike the others, cannot be purchased at a newspaper stand. To access the reports and photos, just click on https://modernmolosser.com/ and then click on SUBSCRIPTIONS. To obtain a super special discount of 50% on the magazine subscription: simply enter the code FILA15. In case of any questions, send an email to denise@modernmolosser.com and make the payment by credit card. The magazine will be filed on your computer and can be read at any time, as you receive other issues.
The largest and most complete Brazilian magazine of cynophilia, which was born a year after CAFIB and that all these years has presented good reports about the Fila Brasileiro breed, in 2016 has published the following material on the queue and the CAFIB:
Result of the 101st National Exhibition, at Itanhandu.
Result of the 102nd National Exhibition in Porto Ferreira
Interview with a breeder and director of CAFIB and of CBKC.
In the closing of the year, CAFIB sent, through Facebook, a very beautiful Christmas and Seasons Greetings card, with photos of the Brazilian Champions of 2016, Kratos and Baiúca.
This card was highly praised, and we received hundreds of emails praising and returning the wishes to CAFIB’s Board.
We highlight an email sent by Cristofer Habig:
"Wonderful true Fila-Heads - a dream...
All the very best to Brazil, to you and to your family"
Habig, German judge, who, in the 80’s, edited the magazine Molosser Magazine, giving a lot of prominence to CAFIB’s Fila Brasileiro. He was in Brazil to attend an exhibition in Campinas, when he took to Germany two puppies from Kennel Fazenda Carolina, of breeder Lineu Siqueira Jr. Habig has recently held the position of vice-president of the FCI.
This was a summary of the activities of CAFIB in 2016, possible thanks to the voluntary work of the Board of Directors, which always seeks the best for the breed Fila Brasileiro. The directors of CAFIB always work for the genetic improvement of the Fila.
All these 2016 events are available, with more details and pictures, in articles on CAFIB’s site.
In 2017, the Board intends to conduct AFT and exhibitions in five cities. Soon, on the site of CAFIB (www.cafib.org.br), the schedule of exhibitions will be available, in addition to other activities that will be disclosed in the course of the year. The Board is already thinking about the celebrations of 40 years of CAFIB in 2018.
Good 2017 for everyone.